This is a great forum. I've been reading in here for the past month and finally registered. I have recently contacted some local dealers in search for a good deal on a 2012 Prius II Blizzard Pearl. Now, from what I gathered a great deal would be ~ $23,500 before taxes. Is that correct? Also, I will not be buying unless I can get 2.9 for 60 months. I've seen that some have to fight for that. I'm currently just talking through emails with Internet Sales Managers. I'm not desperate to get one, but definitely looking forward to it. Also, is it worth getting a 2011 model instead? If so, what would be a good price to shoot for? I'm in the Southeast (Alabama). Thanks for any forthcoming advice and tips. PS: That Barcelona Red is sexy as well.
That sounds about right...good luck on the hunt!!! Definitely check out and those other websites to make sure you can get the best deal.
Welcome aboard! Great choice in model and color. I wouldn't call that a great deal... just a deal. But since it is a 12, you probably won't do much better. Did you find what the truecar value is in that area?
From 2011: 22,715 2012: 24,657 This price difference almost has me considering the 2011. Are these prices before taxes and other fees?
I'd say you're on the right track. Internet Sales is my preferred method of haggling. I just bought a '12 Prius II a week ago in SoCal for $23,625. I would imagine in your region (presumably less in demand) that you can get a better deal. Maybe in the upper 22K range? As far as '11 vs. '12, you should test drive both. We test drove the '12 and liked the touchscreen radio and minor exterior mods, so for us a $1000 difference didn't seem too bad.
I know you are not in So.Cal but 2011 package II can be had for about $20800 plus tax and license (Torrance DCH is blowing these out at this price, after rebate) and 2012 package ii can be had for about $22800 plus tax and license (all colors except pearl white)
As I've mentioned, the Roman Numerals are only for 2010. After that 2011 and 2012 models are referred to as having 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Picked up my 2012 Prius package 2 last night from Torrance DCH Toyota. Thank you for the recommendation.
You Californians are lucky. I got quoted a price of $24,752 for a 2012, which appears to be what is suggesting for my area. Should I reply back with a suggested price via email? If so, which price should I suggest?
socalbeach and sphereman, can you tell me who you deal with and what your final OTD price is? i been reading on here a while and finally decided to register. please let me know cause i am looking to buy a blizzad pearl/grey as well. thanks
I'm getting a killer deal from Dianne at Carson Toyota. You may want to talk to her as well. I cannot list my final price but it's worth the drive from Sacramento to Carson.
Purchased 2/14/12: 2012 Prius 2 silver/grey hatchback w/mats and rear bumper applique $22,800. +TTL at Torrance DCH Toyota.