Hello all. New to the Prius world, just bought a 2007 Package 6 with 92K miles. Have been trolling around Priuschat (looks great BTW) but this is my first post. Got a parking brake problem. There is left and right play in my parking brake pedal assembly. With the parking brake depressed I can move it with my hand left and right about 1.5 inches. It moves so far to the left that it's gouging the plastic trim piece on the left of the pedal (it's also missing the rubber piece you step on ). My guess is it's probably some loose bolts that hold the pedal assembly on, or maybe one even fell out. So I need to open it up and take a look. Was able to get the plastic trim piece off the door sill and the trim piece next to the brake pedal off with no problem. But it looks like I need to remove at least some parts of the dash to get to the assembly. Not sure how to proceed from here. Any how-to's out there? Pics dare I ask? Many thanks!
I have not taken this off, did find these instructions: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&q=cachel3NG7DqE3oJ:zeroreality.net/prius/repair/33%2520-%2520Parking%2520Brake.pdf+&hl=en&gl=us&pid=bl&srcid=ADGEESijciykFJJ2TL66JktDPFFLkF7ZdsNG4Yt6FJf_x4gRKHlA-grWb2S6nLOWVzC7SF_x7352cXOFrPyHjICRnuXGjvsq3igAFJwZC6PHLCCuSyNK0oiD6Lk61Re1n3r7Vu258MG2&sig=AHIEtbRskHyAZqWf_qiSSMTquJn5R1_Ugw Given all thats involved, including discharging refrigerent ( I could be incorrect, just skimmed the instructions) , I would try to somehow shim the loose parking brake in attempt to repair it first. First check to make sure the bolts holding the parking brake assembly are tight, if they are accessible.
Thanks northwichita...I just fixed it! From the diagrams you sent I see that the whole assembly is held on by just two bolts and one nut. So I looked up under the dash using a good light and was able to see (and feel with my fingers) that the one nut was really loose. Was able to get to it with a 1/4" drive ratchet, 1 inch extension, and 12mm socket. Tightened that bad boy down and presto...problem solved! Really glad that I didn't have to rip the dash apart...THANKS!