For 2012, Prius hatchbacks and Prius wagons can have Toyota/JBL/GreenEdge audio systems in the high-end trims. What's the latest on its performance? Doing an internet search for GreenEdge produces some interesting reading, but now I hope to get some owners reviews. Compared to the stock JBL top end audio in the 2010 - 2011 Prius, how do you think GreenEdge performs? If GreenEdge is even a smidgen better in sonic response, that would make it the finest audio system in any Prius to date, no? Whatya think? MrBill
Well, to be honest, I am no Audiophile, so I could not really honestly tell you the minute difference between JBL over the stock ones or not. I will say that I noticed the bass on the JBLs are pretty good, as some of the songs where I have a deep thump sound literally come out as a deep thump as if I had a subwoofer, and I don't believe it is setup with a subwoofer inside. I would say, if you really want a good taste, check out one of the dealerships with the Prius v Five with ATP and see how it works out for you sound wise.
That's good news so far, Keiichi. From the reading I've done, I understand that the low bass is driven monorally to all of the four largest speakers in order to produce the strongest combined bass response possible without using a dedicated subwoofer. I believe this technique is quite common in stock high-end auto audio systems. More opinions, please!
I'm surprised that there are not more definate opinions about the 2012 JBL/GreenEdge audio system. The company write ups make it sound like the greatest thing this side of the Sun. Question is, how does it sound? How does it perform? Just wonderin'
I'd like to know this as well. I wasn't able to attach my iPhone to the ATP v that I test drove, so I couldn't compare it to my 4Runner, which is one of the better sounding systems in a "normal" priced car, IMO.
Coming from Seqouia Platinum, I can tell you the system could use a sub on some genres, but is actually pretty good on techno/native bass-heavy songs. Upper frequency soundstage is awesome....much better highs and 'spread' than the truck. A powered Bazooka tube would usher in sonic nirvana!
I would like to know about that system too. I find it interesting that the 2012 regular Prius Five series comes standard with the JBL Greenedge 8 speaker system/amp and the 2012 Prius V Five Series does not. I wonder why? Also the regular Prius Five Series has power drivers seat, but not the Prius V Five. Wish the Prius V had both of things standard - would prefer to purchase the V over the regular Prius Five
Hey guys, I am salesman for Toyota and am also the Toyota Entune Champion for my dealership. As it stands I have a pretty good working knowledge of these systems. Green edge is an accomplishment in a number of ways. In large the system components (speakers and subs) are smaller by almost half the size yet put out exponentially more sound, also the system uses way less energy and produces alot less heat and kick back. I get in and out of these cars every day and listen to them all pretty regularly. The biggest difference I've noticed is that you get a more theatre sized sound and a lot more clarity at higher volumes. Over all, I'd give it an A+, I always put news systems in my cars, But i'd be very happy with this system.
I think you mean power driver's seat? The Prius v's equipment may have been set before the 2012 Prius' equipment were decided so maybe that's why they differ? I mean the Prius v still has AGPS while the 2012 Prius swaps it for the HUD.
What cproaudio said. APGS stands for Advanced Parking Guidance System (another name for IPA or Intelligent Parking Assist)
I just ordered a Blizzard White/Dark Gray pleather v5/Tech for my wife. I will report on the sound once she gets it. It was put on the boat today. The propaganda says it uses the power of a 120-watt system, but sounds like 600-watts on a normal JBL speaker system, whatever that is.
prob: prius v V 2012 2mos old, jbl grn edge bluetooth phone svc dies in Feb...still not repaired by Toyota svc where purchased...they're calling in specialist after 4 trips back to dealer svc...any links to jbl grn edge worth pursuing? any insight on dealing w/this prob? sound back since system replced on 3rd trip in; but now all scratchy/static on phone reception into car, not on outgoing happens w/anyone's phone (4 different ones tried)...
Thanks for that post! Are there any notable differences between the JBL Green Edge systems installed in the Prius, the Prius V, and the Toyota Camry Hybrid XLE? The sound system is VERY important to me, especially for trips that take more than a few hours.
I wanted to buy just a stripper Prius but was enticed into get the 4 trim level just to get the GreenEdge speaker system. While I could do without almost all the other options in this level, now that I've been driving it for three weeks (12oo miles), I can honestly say that I'd do it again. The speaker system is awesome! The geniuses at JBL really have managed to make a 120 watt system sound like 600. I’m not a car stereo expert, but I can tell you that the system totally outclasses my previous manufacturer stereo upgrades that included separate subs. Very clean bass response at levels that will definitely damage hearing. One gripe of mine, which I’ve also seen from writers in other forums, is that radio is somewhat flat and compressed sounding, while CDs and Pandora provide the full dynamic range. I don’t know if there’s a fix for this. I’ve also seen that some readers have upgraded with additional subs. However, I would say that unless you are very heavy into hip-hop or are focused on impressing your entire neighborhood - Gangsta Prius?? – It’s not necessary.
im pretty unimpressed with my 2012 prius v five stereo. i would've assumed mine came with the green edge but after hearing everyone exclaim of the quality, i am now doubting this. of course, i did switch from a BOSE system in my 2013 maybe my expectations are too high. my main complaint is not with quality, weight or heat...rather shear volume capability. i turn it up ALL THE WAY on the freeway with the windows down and I would turn it up more if I could. Seriously considering upgrading to a BOSE again. Maybe I can sell my Green Edge to one of you guys since you seem to think its the bees knees.
welcome! there have been complaints about v volume. you'll probably have to go to a stereo shoppe and see what your options are. all the best.
Might be as simple as upgrading the amplifier to feed more power to the speakers or the actual speakers themselves. I don't think we were talking about maximum volume but rather clarity of sound.