I just put an EV button in my 2006, but there is no indication when it is active. No light on the dash, or on the screen. If the EV mode is not available, I do get a message on the screen "you cannot switch to EV mode at this time". Is there supposed to be a light or something?
There isn't a stock dash EV light on the NA Gen II. It's just an empty spot on the circuit board. You could add the light, but the ECU doesn't activate the output on the NA model. Tom
[FONT="]Ah okay, I guess you would have to swap ECUs. Has anyone done that before to your knowledge? Thanks Tom. Chris[/FONT]
I just installed the EV mode button as well. To condense the whole job to a simple electrical modification (for future folks looking into this and not wanting to wade thru tons of info): The unused "pin 27 of connector H14 of the ECU" is connected to any suitable chassis ground via a "normally open, single pole" switch. Push your new momentary switch for two seconds (i.e. ground out pin 27 of connector H14 of the ECU for two seconds) enables the EV mode (as long as a whole list of parameters have been satisfied). Re-push your new momentary switch for two seconds (i.e. ground out pin 27 of connector H14 of the ECU for two seconds) dis-ables the EV mode. I actually added a (scrap Toyota) quick dis-connect on the wires leading to the $5 Radio Shack switch to allow ease of any future maintenance requirements. Cheers Mike
I just wish there some some sort of indicator to let you know EV mode had been activated. How do the cars in Japan with factory installed EV mode indicate its activation?
the good thing is, it's pretty easy to tell that you're in ev mode although at first, you wonder if the engine is going to come on, but after some experience, you know it's not.
Since I am new to the EV mode, tell me this....once you put it in EV mode is it supposed to stay there, or does it disengage each time you go above 34mph and you have to re-engage it when you slow back down?
It is an instant activation, not a two second push. Easiest is to press a MFD button to get it to the audio screen or anything other than the energy monitor. After you press the button, the screen will go to the energy monitor. There is an indicator on the instrument cluster that shows "EV" in green. In the NADM which includes the states obviously, above 55kph EV mode is automatically disengaged. You have to manually re-engage it below that speed. But if you are going 35mph, you more than likely do not want to be in EV mode.
If EV mode activates you'll get a single "beep" If EV mode is denied you get 3 quick "beeps" I have an indicator on CAN-View that tells me when I'm in EV mode.
If you bring up the info screen it will show how much charge you have. If it's above 3 bars and your engine has warmed up then pushing the EV button will engage battery power. I find it dis-engages at 30 MPH and yes you would be required to re-engage after slowing. You will also find that your heating/ AC will stop and cruise control dis-engages. Thats how it works on my '08 model
The EUDM (European Domestic Market) models are different than the NADM (North American Domestic Market) models which are different again from the APDM (Asia-Pacific Domestic Market). You don't have a fuel bladder, coolant thermos, and you have the stock EV button with a 30mph speed limit. It is even lower in the Asia Pacific market.
As Toaster says, there is no confirmation beep UNLESS you are not on the Energy screen, in which case it will switch to that screen with a beep. If it denies the EV mode, there will be three beeps. Once you are out of EV mode, whether because you pressed the bottom again, or because the car decided to revert to normal mode (because you exceeded 34 mph, or because you pressed too hard on the pedal, or because the battery went too low, or because temperatures went out of bounds) you would have to press the bottom again to go back into EV mode. There is no positive indication that you are in EV mode, but if you watch the energy screen you may be able to tell because the ICE remains off (though that can be because the car shut off the ICE). One hint: It will be more reluctant to allow EV mode if your foot is on the accelerator pedal. Even a small amount of acceleration, within the bounds of what would be allowed in EV mode, can prevent EV mode from engaging. As above, if that happens, you'll get the three beeps.
I also get a warning on my MFD (top section of the display) stating something like "EV Mode unavailable at this time"
Cheers for that 2K1toaster. Every day is a school day, it would be so much easier if they were all the same (other than left and right hand drive)