Nice TANGIBLE evidence, jayman. :huh: Funny, how much easier it is to trust what someone is saying when they are not trying to convince you to buy something they have to sell. B)
So, if my math is correct, translating your parents' real life experience MPG to US from Imperial gallons, they are getting 15 MPG in the city (11 in the winter) and 28 on the highway while driving at 62 MPH.
But if any of us drive around town, then the Buick is easily outclassed for city, surface street, and around-town mileage... I think around town I average somewhere around 60 to 70 MPG. And the excellent point was made... the person who gets 35 MPG in a Prius is probably going to be lucky to get 15 MPG in a Buick... considering driving style, climate, length of trip, terrain, traffic conditions... etc etc.
According to his postings on other threads, malorn is in the process of acquiring a Toyota dealership. Do you think that his opinion regarding the merits of the Prius is going to change once he starts selling it? Maybe we should start a poll?
my worst tank ever was 41.2 mpg... this was because i was taking a training class that was one mile from my house, it was winter time and we were regularly given an hour or more for lunch. so i would get up go to gym, work out, come home, shower go to class, at lunch go home, eat , go back to class, then go home. that was 6 one mile trips per day. my worst summer time tank was 44.1 mpg that came about because i drove a friend of mine while he delivered the morning paper for 4 days. that was about 170 stop and go's per day. is it possible to get crap mileage... oh ya... it is and i have done it. to put it in perspective, last winter was one of the mildest i have ever seen in WA St. so in a winter like this one, my mileage would have been lower... maybe even 35 mpg... but that is the only way. in the winter on the freeway at 65 mph i average 49 mpg all day long, every day. most of the effects of cold temps are negated if driving more than about 25-30 miles.
I'm not certain that we're disagreeing on anything here, but rather saying it differently. Indeed, ratings are engineered such that they can say anything the networks want them to say (which explains why the publication is literally the size of a book!). However, they use these Neilsen ratings to measure viewership, not the number of comments they receive. The ratings provide a much richer and somewhat more accurate picture of the actual viewing audience.
So do you think he really is?... or just playing a double agent? If you can't tell.. I've been just a bit twisted at malorn lately... I tried to give him the benifit of a doubt recently and I defended him when it seemed the whole forum wanted to lynch him alive. Then he appeared to be changing his tune, as if he was learning more and becoming used to the idea that his traditional Ford/GM mentality may not be what its cracked up to be. But now I see after a brief period of rest, that he had learned nothing and I really feel he is playing us all for a fool, especially in acting as if he may be opening a toyota dealership. He is back to his same old tricks of casting down toyota and prius and building up GM etc. If he is totally convinced the prius is a bad idea after all the preaching he has recieved from so many people, then he should stop coming to the discussions. First of all, this is the wrong forum to be dogging the prius. Second, this is also the wrong forum to be trying to convince people how wonderful buicks are! Third, As we all are interested in formal debates and challenges of real facts and logistics, this mindless, hopeless interest in building up the fallen car industry in domestic cars is futile. Its almost appears as if he takes the same speeches he tells people on the car lots all day and his cooworker salesman buddies, and brings those same speeches here to the forums and really expects they will be swallowed the same and that folks will be as gullible here as folks are on his car lot. I hope he has the fortitude to prove me wrong and really does become a toyota dealer and leave that speech far behind. But until that happens, I keep getting the feeling he is preying upon those in the middle road of decision hoping to win them over. I really think that story to become a toyota dealer was a big load of deception with intent to maintain a speech platform to sell his goods. Almost like a double agent! I feel I am saying thoughts that many others feel but care not to comment until proof is here. I hope I am wrong.. I believed in Malorn... thats why I defended him in the first place. I really hope he proves me wrong, until them, I grow weary of finding him everywhere I go on the forum, trying to cast down the prius... Enough is enough..... its time quit being a buick car salesman while on the prius forum. Does anybody out there have any proof or good reason to believe I am wrong?.. I really hope I am! Does anybody have any proof I am right? Malorn, you are free to comment as you have remained totally silent to my recent inquiries into your motives. If anybody out there can give reasonable rational that I am full of crap, then I will be happy refrain from future accusations. Maybe I am being too suspicious and intolerant?..... I am trying to be open minded!
my two cents: screw buick. i drove one for 6 years and went through enough money in parts to have gotten a better vehicle. easily. if i weren't involved with a certain mechanic at the time it would have been junked the first time it went off on me. nuff said.
yea.. and my wife has a chrysler cirrus with 75000 on it and it already leaks out enough oil to turn the oil light on before the next change is due if you don't keep on top of it!..... rediculous! there must be a higher markups and better kickbacks to sell this crap... why do any dealers do it?
No you are wrong on that. For whatever reason the mileage does not vary much. I drive very unmpg friendly and I averaged over 30 on a 375 mile trip in a LaCrosse about two months ago.
No matter how many Toyota's we can sell, my heart will always be with Chevrolet and GM. It is a cliche I know, but the car business is in my blood, and the bow-tie is branded on my heart. I have never ever said the Prius is a bad car, you can check my posts. If I was totally objective and looking for the most well-rounded hybrid vehicle to maximize fuel mileage, the Prius would be my choice hands-down. I just know that the Prius is not for everyone, and has not worked out for a number of people the way they had hoped. The folks that run this know that I am not full of shit(at least on my identity!), I just would rather have the freedom to post on here in anonymity. While I have participated in some other chat forums, I have found all of you challenging and interesting, and that is why I have stayed around here far longer than I ever imagined. At this point I am a 'double-agent', but if owning a Prius is a qualifier to participate, as of last night my brother and I owned three. I am not trying to consciously 'sell' anyone on here, just providing a divergent viewpoint on certain issues where I feel qualified to comment. If I offend anyone or am the sole chatter responsible for ruining anyones experience on PC let me know and I will leave. If I become a Toyota dealer, it will be purely from a 'means to an end' standpoint. For the first time in my years in this business I see some cracks in Toyota's armor, only time will tell if they get them patched or if they get bigger. Some of these 'problems and challenges' are the reason the dealer that we are negotiating with is looking to get out.
BRANDON I think we do agree and I accept your comments as expanding on what I had to say. My son is an Art Director with J. Walter Thompson Advertising working on the Ford Dealer account out of Chicago. His biggest complaint and his clients, the dealers, is identifying any sort of acknowlegement that the ads are reaching anyone. When the dealers are spending anywhere from $10 to $50,000 just for print advertising someone always asks for some measure of return. They track the sales, floor traffic, even put coupons in the ads just to get some measure. Unfortunately, none of this is very accurate and JWT always finds itself defending the ads. They have even suggested "no ads for a period of time" just to get a baseline. Of course nobody is willing to try that suggestion. The only thing less tangible than advertising is selling life insurance - you know you need it, but you wish you could be around to see the results. I asked him about getting products into the background of movies or TV shots and he said "It's like a gift from the Gods, especially if it was free" When I asked about "bad" PR he agreed with you that nobody wants that but pointed out that the ABC was more of a "state of the technology piece" than a knock on hybrids, and the fact that the Prius was the benchmark car for the clip should be interpreted as a positive for Toyota. He also said beware of being too sensitive to the comments to miss the bigger picture. He said, "Dad, at least they didn't do a Ford Explorer roll over expose' on the car". I am not sure if he meant that as sort of a silver lining thing or not!
if Toyota has cracks that must mean that GM has turned to dust and has been reincarnated as a cow by now
Remember most of what you know about GM came from the same folks at ABC News, CNN etc that you are all up in arms about with their Prius reporting. :blink:
And how pray tell, did the Prius do on the exact same trip, driven exactly the same way, with the same conditions?
Too bad the quality of the prius isn't there with GM and chevy... look how much money they would save in advertizing? Here in the northwest, I have only seen "one" ad about the prius in the last two months.... I get bombarded every night with the others.... how much do you think those ads cost?.. and where is the money coming from?... out of the price of the vehicle I promise you! Less profit and more price for what you get!.. Word of mouth is all you need when the product is good...
You may "own" one meaning your dealerships own one, but you certainly aren't a Prius driver in any regard... It's just another car in your fleet for you... for the rest of us, it's a tangible step forward in transportation... Cars have been the same for decades, but the Prius and hybrid is an exciting new technology that we are enthused about. You don't have any of that enthusiasm.