Bought an old 2nd hand Celica wing. Planned to install on my Prius2. Do you think it is good or not? There is a Japanese P3 owner who installed for his P3: ã€Âã¿んカãƒÂ©Ã£€‘ TOYOTAç´”æ£ ã‚ȋƒÂªÃ£‚«ç”¨ãƒÂªÃ£‚¢ã‚¦ã‚£ãƒÂ³Ã£‚°æµÂ用|プãƒÂªÃ£‚¦ã‚¹/トãƒÂ¨Ã£‚¿ï½œÃ¦•Â´Ã¥‚™Ã¦‰‹Ã¥Â¸Â³Ã¯Â½œÃ£Â¡ã‚…ã‚‹ - 車ãƒÂ»Ã¨‡ÂªÃ¥‹•Ã¨Â»ŠSNS(ブãƒÂã‚°ãƒÂ»Ã£ƒ‘ãƒÂ¼Ã£ƒ„ãƒÂ»Ã¦•Â´Ã¥‚™Ã£ƒÂ»Ã§‡ƒÃ¨Â²Â»Ã¯Â¼‰
Doesn't look half bad. The owner in the pic definitely takes care of the car, so make sure you do it right. A half a$$ed installation will look really shoddy.
Just my honest opinion, nothing personal, I think it looks very rice. So far, your other mods have been very clean and well done. I think a mod like this would make it look like those riced out civics we see around LA and Inland Empire. It looks cheap and not right.
I would vote no on this one. Your car is so clean and elegant looking, this would ruin that look IMO.
I wouldn't do it. It will be more a drag in aerodynamics than a push for downforce. Rear deck wings become active in downforce after 110 -120mph for most cars. But it's your car
NOOOOOOO! You have one of the best looking Prius out there. Don't ruin it. What's with the exhaust? I missed that add. Tell me more. Just say NO! (My humble opinion)
Hi Griz, For your reference: