Just got my car this week. There are now four I can be sure of in our town of 12,000. There will be another by July at the latest. So, for the time being, that makes 1 per 3,000 population. How does this compare to your area? Do we get a prize?
hmmm. there is about 80,000 in my area and my dealer said they were getting 5 cars a month sooo.... its pretty close.
Although it's hard to get exact figures, my extremely rough guess for our city would be one in 10,000. Probably less, as many cars are being sold to out of town customers. You've got us beat, that's for sure...
I live in a town of about 40,000. I had my car since Christmas and have not seen another one here. There is no dealer in town ask about sales. In my daily commute to work I have only seen one other. Still rare in central NJ.
Well, in my town of 18,000 we have 6 that I know of, so I guess we're tied. But that's only 2004s. If you throw in the Classics (4) we may be pulling ahead.
if you count commercial vehicles, seattle should be ranked pretty high. a few weeks ago, there was a big thing in the paper with one of the rental car companies at the port of seattle that got a initial delivery of Prius' they offered people a chance to drive these cars for like 54$ a day or so... hmmm, i thought about renting my Prius, but i make enough money charging people $25 to get their picture taken next to my Prius.
IF I'm the only one in my city, there is 1/5,000. But only one more and I beat your density with 1/2500. I'm sure there is someone is is living in s village of 400 somoewhere. Brian
Yesterday, while driving from San Juan to my hometown in western Puerto Rico, I passed the largest Toyota car lot in the island; this is a huge lot where cars are kept until distributed to dealers. There were several hundred Echos, Matrixes, and Corollas there. And in one corner of the lot, about 40 Prii in all colors. That's the highest concentration of Prii probably anywhere in the Western Hemisphere; there's no shortage of these cars in Puerto Rico, where they sell at msrp ($23,645) or slightly lower.