So I didn't post about the incident I had 1 month ago with my 2010 Prius. Before I begin, the car will be 3 years old in July and my lease will be up. It has a little under 9k miles. I don't drive very far, just locally. Anyway, a month ago I had been sick for 5 days and my car sat in my indoor garage for that time. On the 5th day when I was finally able to go out, I went to start my car in the morning and it was completely dead. Well ok maybe not totally dead as the dash flickered, the screen flickered, the lights were dim, the keyless barely worked and the lovely master warning light shined bright! However, it wouldn't start. I tried to get it to start for over an hour and then eventually nothing worked or flickered. Completely dead, and before anyone asks, nope I didn't leave any light on overnight I had to have AAA come and jump start it, and thankfully it did, but without the full hybrid display system working, so the right side of the dash was pitch black, even as I drove to the dealer. Bottom line, the car was at the dealership service for the day and was fixed by the evening. Problem? My battery got down too low, to the lowest of the low and they brought it back to life, so to speak. Easy enough right? Seems like no big deal? They said it was because I didn't drive for 5 days. Well I'd been on vacation longer than that so I didn't really buy the theory, but it was fixed and I was happy. Well, today, a month later, shy of 2 days if you want to get technical, I go to start my car this afternoon and bam! Same exact thing. Wouldn't start, lights flickered, hybrid system wouldn't stay on...etc. AAA jump started it and back it went to the dealership service. Okay so basically I'm about to get a new Prius in the next month or so since my lease is coming to an end. My car is still under warranty but from what I've explained, does it look like I need a new 12v battery?? I do not know how that would even be possible at under 3 years and 8-9k miles, but I guess stranger things could happen. Any idea what is causing this? Well actually I did forget to mention that AAA checked the battery today and the guy said it was perfectly charged So now I have no clue what to think. I'd love to hear from anyone who has gone through this or maybe knows what this is all about. I just hope the car will be healthy until I get my new one! I appreciate anyone's help. Thanks!
It isn't a Prius-related problem. My wife has the same problem and her car isn't a Prius. She works 5 minutes from home and the car is on its third new battery. You have 9,000 miles in 3 years and your batteries are simply not getting re-charged fully like in a normal car with longer commutes and hence have shorter lives. Moreover, today's batteries have additional demands like Bluetooth use, etc.
As 32k wrote this is not a Prius specific problem. No matter what car you have, if you expect to keep the same driving patterns you should consider installing a "battery tender", a device that you plug into a wall outlet which keeps the 12V battery fully charged.
Ohhhh so basically the problem is that I'm not driving the car enough? Hmm, yeah I can agree with that. Lately I've been working a lot and just not needing to drive to too many places. On weekends when I go out with friends, they usually drive. It's only been in the past couple months though that I haven't been driving as much because I am trying to save money and therefore I havent been going out all over town shopping haha! I think I will change things up, especially with my new upcoming car, in regards to how much I drive around town :thumb: Thanks for the responses!
Just thought I'd respond back with an update and say that you guys were absolutely right! Toyota just called car is ready to be picked up. The battery was replaced as the old one was completely broken and would not hold a full charge any longer. Reason is the car only has 9k miles at almost 3 years and isn't being driven enough lately. So it looks like the problem is solved Hopefully....
You should invest in a battery tender to keep the 12V topped off since you don't drive very much. I'm sure the dealer could hook up the cables for you for free as part of your "dealer prep" costs. With that little driving, it would definitely be beneficial to look into.
If your car is parked out in the sun and you have no means to run a battery tender, you could consider getting a solar panel battery maintainer. Unfortunately, they aren't that cheap, so you could try getting a free VW solar panel that hooks up to the OBD2 port (see I'd suggest buying an OBD2 splitter too, to reduce the # of cycles on the car's connector. I'd rather wear out the connector on a cheap splitter than the (who knows how much it costs to replace) one on the car.
+1 I use a battery tender on my 89 Supercharged MR2 since it doesn't get driven in any wet weather anymore. During the summers it's just fine since I drive it more but during the wet winters it sits for longer periods of time. I was having many battery issues with them going out in less then a year but since I bought a battery tender I've had no issues at all. To the OP.....I would also just take a nice drive drive at least once a week for at least 30 minutes, longer if possible.
A "Battery Tender" will pay for itself in about 1 year by extending the life of your battery to 5 years. Based on the amount Toyota dealers charge for the 12V battery. Because you park in a garage this is a valid option. Pearl has the "Battery Tender" pigtail lead on the front fusebox. I just open the hood and plug it in when I think the car will be sitting too long. It won't overcharge the battery or harm the electronics, like some chargers can. It only takes a minute to connect it or disconnect it.