First off, I'm in Canada so our Prius c Premium Package is roughly equivalent to your Prius c Four + options. The price is pretty similar too, CAD $25,340 vs. USD $24,380. I played a bit of hardball with my dealer, I gave them a $500 deposit the other day, but today told them I wanted out of the deal and my deposit back. The truth was I wanted to take my business elsewhere, as I heard some negative things about this dealership after the fact. I forgot that as soon as you say you want to walk away, then the tables are turned! The salesman spoke to the manager, who authorized him to take $300 off but I said that wasn't enough. In the end the salesman took another $200 off his commission, saying he doesn't do this often but even a sale with no commission goes towards his monthly quota / bonus. Anyway it might not seem like much but I think $500 off is amazing for a new car that won't arrive in showrooms for another 2 weeks. I'm fairly certain the profit margins is only a few hundred dollars for them too. Most dealers won't give any discounts, like when I first walked in. Just goes to show that hard negotiating actually works!
Thanks! I don't know when the car will arrive but I'm guessing around March 26, or another 4 weeks. Should be just enough time for me to sell my 2005 Mazda 3 GT Sport. I kept going back in forth on colour choice. I like blue, but felt Blue Streak Metallic was too cartoony (almost Smurf-like). In the end I settled on Magnetic Grey Metallic, I saw pics of the Prius v in it and I think it makes the car look more classy. The only thing I don't like about it is how often Toyota has used that colour, I think my car would get lost in a typical parking lot.
Congratulations on becoming a Prius owner! I look forward to hearing about your initial impressions and mpg after you receive it.
Yes, initial impressions and drive review would be super appreciated! Congrats and good job inadvertently bargaining.
Will do! This is the first time buying a car without having sat in one or test driven one. Not sure what I'm expecting but I am coming from a 2005 Mazda 3 Sport GT. Any surprises from those few who have driven it around yet?
Congrats! Yeah getting $500 off a new car is pretty good. We get none here (unless it's factory authorised).
Do you know anything about a $299 registration fee? Just noticed on my original purchase agreement but will try and have it removed before I sign the amended one today. Sounds like an optional charge they throw in just to make $$$
lol. That sounds familiar. It's an Ontario thing I'm guessing. IIRC, it's some sort of anti-theft device (I can't remember if it's actually stolen vehicle tracking or simply just VIN etching. I'm leaning towards the former). You can decline anything they add (esp. if it magically appears) and if they don't, you walk away.
$299?! My dealership tried to sneak that one in at $349! I told them not a chance. Oddly they offered to pay it themselves.
Local dealer is getting a 4 next week with a moon roof. She said that sticker will be $27k. Nearly told her she's out of her mind, but told her to call me. I really just want a C 2 in white. Keep it right at $20k. Figure I'll go give the C 4 she gets a spin and give her an absurd offer just to see. Figure it's probably closer to $24k MSRP?
Oooooh, ultra violet, secret decoder ring technology! - Vehicle Recovery Network - Contact Registry ron
Interesting about the Anti-Theft feature. I will try to get it taken off. I live on an island of 64K people with no way to take the car off the island without notarized authorization from the owner...
Went back to the dealer today to get my new bill of sales, but this time I told them I refused to pay the $299 globali registration fee and asked them to remove it. They gave me a whole bunch of bs until I showed them a printout from here: bulletin - November 2005-2.pdf Then they shut up REAL quick and had it removed, but still had the nerve to try and make me feel guilty about it. By all rights I should've left and taken my money elsewhere but I'd already worked real hard to get my discounts and in the end I'm happy with what I got. Now all I need is an actual delivery date! My dealer is getting one white technology package on Monday. The salesman said someone already bought it but when it arrives I could come to take a look at it. Has anyone in Ontario gotten a delivery date for a c yet?
Hehe. So far I'm very happy with the discounts I've gotten, but my only real concern is this is the first time I've ever bought a car sight unseen. I'm just going based on reviews and that the features/size of the c are exactly what I've been looking for in a new car. I want something smaller and nimbler than my current ride, with excellent fuel economy, great tech gadgets, and room for storage. I think this car will fit the bill perfectly!
Remember, you have not actually bought the car until you have signed all the papers AND driven off the lot. :cheer2: