Current owner of 2011 Prius II, but planning to give to wife and buy a 2012. I'm undecided on the II vs. III, about $1700 difference. The only reason I'm considering a III is the backup camera, which would help the poor rearward visibility. The NAV/Entune stuff I really don't want. Can someone with fresh insight help with this decision? I've been on the fence so long with this, and don't want to make a mi$take! Thanks, all.
From personal experience, I've never regretted buying too many options. I have regretted buying too few options. Including my present car.
I purchased the 2012 II and dont regret saving the money. The rear view camera would be nice to have but its not really necessary. The rear viewing of the Prius is not that bad, a lot better than most cars. Also, I heard the new head units have a video input so they may offer a camera option in the future because of the new law that requires new cars to have it standard next year.
I just bought a III this past Sunday. I got it with the solar/nav pkg and the toyota 7 year 100,000 mile bumper to bumper extended warranty for $29,399 out the door ($1500 for the warranty). The price before tax and lic. was $26,152. I think that the price difference is worth it.
Ditto. And not just with cars. My first iPad was just wireless because I wasn't sure about needing the 3G. That turned out to be a royal pain.
You could always wait till the 2013 Prius II, according to the news today - all cars will have them next year....