All the stock photos and test drive photos have the entune system in it. Does anyone have photos of the radio we get with the model I and model II packages? Also, does anyone know what the noise will sound like to alert people that you are taking off? Will there be a way to disable it if it sounds like a clown car horn? I am kind of bummed we won't get that silent vehicle take off I just put my deposit down. Can't wait!
Someone will figure out how to change the alert sound. I want mine to sound like the Jetsons' car. They say you can just barely hear the alert noise/sound from inside the car.
Jetsons' - LOL - wonder if I can make mine sound like Fred Flintstone taking off in his rock mobile??
In theory, or do you know someone that has actually done this and it worked? (2012 Prius Liftback is fine) I ask this because a friend of mine unplugged a smog sensor on his pickup truck and the check engine light has been on ever since. (the truck runs fine btw)
My phone's ringtone - Bach, Toccata and Fugue in D minor, organ. Still scares the cr... er - heck out of me everytime it goes off late at night or early morning... Here's an example - would have to be little bit faster:
TOYOTA CANADA: Prius c > Features & Benefits > Interior It won't let me post a link because I'm new here. This seems to show the standard radio. It's from the Canadian Toyota site. I'm trying to figure out if this trim comes with Steering Wheel Phone controls. Some photos show them, some don't on the lower two trims (U.S), and standard Canadian package.