Hello! I've been driving my 2008 Prius for almost a year now, and its been brilliant, on the whole. Anyways, I'm a software developer by trade so I thought I'd try and write an Android app for doing displaying OBD responses from a bluetooth dongle. I thought I was being original, until I discovered there were dozens of apps that do that. Well, I finished it (mostly) anyway, and it does give some quite useful stats for us Prius drivers, for example some battery checker widgets. I'd put a picture in, but I'm not allowed to 'cause I'm too new Its not completely reliable, and I'd appreciate it if any of you guys with Androids and bluetooth dongles could give me any pointers to improve it, or let me know if it crashes on you! Questions though - the battery checker is giving me around 0.03 ohms for each cell, and around 15-17 volts each cell. Does that sound about right? And the fan voltage is always reported as zero - does the battery fan not spin at all in cold weather? It's called CANdroid and you can find it on the Android market by searching for 'OBD Dashboard' If anyone wants the battery checker widgets, let me know and I'll point you in the right direction Cheers, Graham
Hello Graham welcome to PC from a fellow Britt. The module voltage (6 cells at 1.2v) is 7.2v nominal the fan in typical UK weather does not run or rarely unless the battery is being stressed climbing hills then regen charging going down multiple times so 0v is probably correct. I do not own an Android so use Priidash on a laptop. To get round the post issue just post something like post1/post2 etc till you have five posts or say hello to me. John
The battery ECU reports 2 modules in series which comes to about 16 volts when at a high State-of-Charge (SOC). As noted above, the fan only runs when the battery gets warm. 0.03 ohms per module pair is a reasonable reading since your Prius can source/pull 100 amps for short intervals which results in a 100*0.03*14 = 42 volt drop in HV battery voltage. JeffD
Hello John! 7.2v, hmm, I must have my maths wrong then, I'll have to recheck it. There are 14 modules, is that correct? So the total voltage should be about 100v? Graham
There we go: Market link: https://market.android.com/details?id=uk.co.duckmonkey.candroid2 Battery Checker: CANdroid Forum - Prius Battery Checker
Welcome to PC Graham: I invite you to check out this thread as one of our longtime members (usbseawolf2000) has done a lot of work to get many of the Toyota specific codes for the Android Torque App. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...-custom-pids-torque-android-app-formulas.html You might well find it interesting Bob P
I've not made them as presets because I didn't want to have too many Prius-only presets since I wrote the app as a general purpose OBD app. You need to import the widgets from a file - instructions are here: CANdroid Forum - Prius Battery Checker You can get the file to import from that page if you login, or from here: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/31885223/PriusBatteryChecker.xml
i get a website with a XML error..?? firefox things the xml file is some site... can not download the file yet have to try IE
OK, thats not good. After importing you still have a blank screen? What phone do you have? I've not tested it on very many. Do any of the other preset widgets work? Email me on [email protected] if you prefer, and I'll try and solve it EDIT: Importing an xml widget set won't add the widgets into the list of presets - it should just recreate the actual widget layout. After importing this xml file, your main widget view should look like the picture above (in theory).
Hi Graham... I'm just around the corner from you in Newstead - just off J27 of the M1 :rockon::welcome::cheer2:
just want to inform that with the xml file I have the same screen now on my HTC desire its a bit small but readable
Most things are configurable, by double-tapping on a widget, you can change the text size for example. But its not obvious, and every single bar needs to be changed individually which is a bit rubbish. Its far from perfect, but I've found it can still be quite useful! Graham