cheap plastic..fugly dashboard...bad interior design...60's or 70's look like and what else.i see all of this comment on other you agree with that and if not why???
Well if you wanted a nice dashboard, I don't think you would be looking at a sub $20k car (hybrid or otherwise). If anyone is expecting a dashboard from a Lexus in a Yaris, they're dreaming. Toyota tends to do well with plastics (making them look and feel more expensive than they really are) but there's a certain price point that has to be matched. There's always the Camry Hybrid if you want an affordable Toyota hybrid with a nice dashboard.
I've already posted that I actually like plastic dashboards. Just because something is "plastic" doesn't mean it's cheap. I've driven my Honda Fit which is a hard plastic dash for about 2 years. And I love it. Very durable and easy to care for... As far as looks? That's subjective. But for a small size, Toyota is using similar perspective and angle tricks that Honda used in The Fit, to make it appear more spacious. Compared to any Prius? I don't know what's not to like too much. It has a similar slit in the upper dash instrument panel, with a really nice full color display. The rest of the layout and instrumentation is pretty standard. The only thing that sticks out to me that I think Toyota could of changed is the seemingly oversized tempature control knob. But that's pretty minor, and also subjective. Overall? I like the look of the interior. I'd grade it a B....
I'll wait until I sit in the car to have an opinion. At least to me, more important is how quiet the car is in driving. That of course has to wait for something other than pictures too.
The only thing I would ask and debate is "What is Nice?"...I mean I know I'm being somewhat utilitarian about this, and I've had cars with dash's with "different" materials. But IMO? We are kind of programmed to accept what is "Nice" or "Nicer" than something else. What I mean, is for example. I've owned expensive pens...made of gold...and my experience? For actual writing or day to day use? They suck. But they are expensive and supposedly impress people... But for my money? a $1.99 plastic pen is lighter, and usually works better. It however doesn't impress anyone when you take it out... I think we have a similar pyschology at work with what we perceive as a "nice" dash. My dealings with more "expensive" padded much higher maintenance and worries about cracking or splitting. I love a solid plastic dash. No cracking or splitting worries and maintenance is a breeze. So when you say "Nicer" dash? Are we simply not falling into a pre-programmed idea of what we are taught to believe is nicer? I mean, in life how many times does the fact that your dash might be padded or feel soft really matter? However 6 years from now when the "Nicer" dash is cracking and splitting? I'd rather have my "Less Nice" plastic dash.
Some people never cease to amaze me. It is laughable hearing someone complain about the dash quality on a sub 20k compact car. This car is made to be affordable while getting great gas mileage.
I think the interior is pretty horrendous, especially after having a Chevy Cruze. But the Cruze doesn't get 53 mpg city so gas savings > interior design for me.
You bring up a good point. My smart fortwo had a nice dashboard but it sure felt like cloth wrapped in a cardboard (at least the knee pad area. The upper dash is plastic). It's probably was cheap to make (and the lower cardboard-sounding dash is probably made from recycled materials) but it felt nice. Not sure how to explain it but to the general public who probably feel that it's the same as any other "cheap" car but somehow the plastics feel nicer than one found in the last generation Yaris. I have gotten compliments on how the fabric-covered parts of the dash were a good idea as they reduce the amount of hard plastic that they see and touch. For me, a nice dashboard is one that is function, stylish and feels great to the touch. I don't touch it often but the dashboard material is often mimicked on the upper door panels as well (at least with Toyota) and you do touch that more often than the dashboard. I love our 2002 Camry's soft-touch plastic dashboard. I will never know how much it cost Toyota to make it but it made the car feel more expensive than it really is and combined with the other materials, made the interior ambiance pleasant. We had it for 7 years and it didn't look worse for wear (we had the Stone interior, which is to say shades of grey, somewhere between Dark Grey and Misty Grey on the Prius for the seat colour... granite colour shall we say and dark grey on the upper dash and light grey for the glovebox and lower dash).
It could be better. I like the current Prius flying bridge. If that goes away the Prius interior will also be pretty uneventful and then the inexpensive material choices will stand out. Toyota should be able to do a better job.
i have not even seen pics yet and it's not on the toyota website, just one pic of the outside saying 'coming in march'.
is it supposed to look good or bad? nor sure.... i think it looks pretty good with that screen, digital air, color pieces on the dash. Not sure what are you expecting CT200h has really, really nice interior!
for me,this car really nice because i buy this car for it's system not for interior.i open this topic because to know other member expectation.Prius c overbooked by 10 Times over, 6 months waiting list in that's mean this car are better than other competitors.
I like it.(C4 trim) Not sure how the one color interior will look with every exterior color. Hard durable surface vs Cheap thin vinyl skin on foam backing that cracks and peels in a few years? That's a tough one.
Question on Prius C: Is the cargo space 17.1 cubic feet with the passenger seats folded down, or without folding? That's larger than the 15.9 cubic feet for Insight. When I made that comparison people did not believe it since the Insight appears much larger. But is that an apples-to-apples comparison with passenger seats at the normal position?
Max cargo volume behind 1st row (cu-ft) Not provided it will be like 30 more? if the seats folded down? behind 2nd row (cu-ft) 17.1 Cargo loading height, measured (in.) 25.3 Honda Insight 2012 15.9 cargo volume Prius c 17.1 cargo volume I found this.
The interior is nowhere near as nice as my 07 Yaris was. If it was I would be happy. All of these pictures make it look better than it is in person. Just my opinion.