At 8053 miles my 2011 Prius threw an error code indicating an extremely retarded valve train opening. The automobile was produced in December 2010. The problem, fixed under warranty, was a camshaft oil control valve. The dealer just happened to have one in stock. I found that curious. Why would the dealer stock a normally robust component that never goes bad? Did Toyota experience a bad batch of parts? I am interested in knowing if anyone else has had this failure.
I read most of the things posted on this forum and I do not remember anyone reporting that problem. I don't think it is to unlikely a dealer would have that part. Versions of the Toyota 2ZR engine is used in a lot of different Toyota products including the Corolla, some (or all) of them may use this same oil control valve. [ame=""]Toyota ZR engine - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]
I did not notice anything when the check engine light came on. I was already in the neighboorhood. I took surface streets to the dealership. I imagine that I was down on power with the intake valves closing just before Top Dead Center.