problems with air suspension? need help from other air suspension people

Discussion in 'Gen 3 Prius Accessories and Modifications' started by cvincent, Feb 24, 2012.

  1. cvincent

    cvincent Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    2005 Prius
    i have a 2008 and we put an air suspension on it, to make a very long story short, the car has basically been in shops for 3-4 months getting this done, huge hassle
    the regular 12 volt died while it was having this stuff done and i replaced it
    but ever since the air stuff was put in etc the car is intermittently not starting, gets the red triangle and the master hybrid exclamation point code
    then leave it overnight and it may start

    and today after toyota dealer has had the car for 8 days and not been able to duplicate it - started every single time- i went to pick it up
    we had to raise and lower the air bags front and back and then it started rolled back 5 ft and died, got the codes of triangle and hybrid code

    left the car again
    of course toyo wants to blame it on the air system touching something, bumping something , etc

    anyway i am getting really sick of this mess

    for some reason in the gen3 there seem to be quite a few air suspensions but last time i looked i found none for the gen2

    so my questions are is the gen 3 built different enough to allow air suspension with no issues or something?

    and have any of you with gen3 cars and air set ups run into any kind of problems with the cars sensors freaking out because the car is being raised/lowered and you had to override things in the computer programs?

    this car is still under warranty
    i have the air set up running on its own batteries separate from the car, nothing is tied into the prius electrical stuff
    this was supposed to be an easy mod to allow me to carry more weight in the rear for work
    we ended up doing front and rear air but this has turned into an unreal mess and i need my car to run

    any insights as to what might be wrong or causing intermittent not starts and cut offs would be appreciated
  2. LTZR1

    LTZR1 Member

    Jan 5, 2012
    2011 Prius

    Are you talking about air SHOCKS ??
  3. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    If installed correctly you won't have any issues with an air bag system. When the triangle comes up, read the codes and tell us what they are. We can't troubleshoot without info. At this point it could be anything.
  4. cvincent

    cvincent Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    2005 Prius
    these are not air shocks they are air bags that bolt into the shock/strut area

    because the dealer has had the car and cleared/handled all the code stuff the past 5 times i don't know the actual numbers, but i will try to find out

    my understanding is that the car keeps pulling codes related to the hybrid system, like the hybrid switch code and the code that says the hybrid battery plug is not right???

    twice while they installed the air stuff and messed around back there they hit the hybrid batt switch and put it in the wrong position, then i guess we tried to start it in the wrong position and once you do that you have to put it in the right position and then clear all the codes, from what i understand you have to clear a bunch of communication codes individually to make it happy so it will restart

    and like i said toyo keeps going back to the air system bumping something and messing it up

    i am having a hard time believing that the air lines are hitting that hybrid switch at all but definitely not hard enough to cause an issue, move it out of position

    i guess my next step is remove the interior of the car and as much as possible around all air stuff, air bags myself and see if that is even a possibility

    the car has been in the shop so long that i cannot tell toyo yes it was running fine and it ran fine with the air system and now it doesn't so it is not related, because i just don't know
    i haven't driven the car in 2-3 months now

    i will call the service guy tomorrow and see what is going on at this point and get the codes

    from what i am reading none of these 2010 prius with air suspension are having issues with the car freaking out from being higher or lower
    so unless the 2008 is really different it does not seem it could be some kind of sensor shutting the car down because it feels the car is not "sitting right" which is good , that would have been a real pia

    thanks for any and all help
  5. 2k1Toaster

    2k1Toaster Brand New Prius Batteries

    Feb 14, 2010
    Rocky Mountains
    2006 Prius
    While installing air bags they should never touch the HV battery service plug. Either your air bag installer is completely incompetent or you are mistaken. On your paperwork, the codes and their subcodes should be listed. Just post them. A few hex numbers will be more useful than another long post of story.
  6. seilerts

    seilerts Battery Curmudgeon

    Mar 7, 2010
    Santa Fe, NM
    2005 Prius
    The rear suspension in GII (strut) is very different from GIII (shock and spring mounted separately). Any airbag/airshock setup in a GII will be a (semi)custom job.

    To pull the struts on GII, the HV battery carrier brackets need to come out. The service manual is a little ambiguous about removing the orange battery plug in such a case, but it is something that I would do. Now, if these guys when a step further and removed the terminal cover, disconnecting the HV battery frame wires, then they may have screwed something up when putting it all back together. They may have also messed up the connection to the HV battery fan. The trouble codes are about the only thing that will help in anyone here being able to provide any useful information to you.

    If you do decide to tear down the back yourself, I strongly encourage you to download the Prius Dismantling Guide, available for free at various places via google search. It will tell you all the steps, fastener locations, and safety precautions. You do not need to remove the entire back seat, however, just the seat backs. You will need 10mm, 12mm and 14mm sockets. A trim removal tool is very handy as well.
  7. Flying White Dutchman

    Flying White Dutchman Senior Member

    Dec 29, 2007
    Other Non-Hybrid
    the 12 volt batt in a prius an not handle al that load from the air compressor for the suspention airbags
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  8. cvincent

    cvincent Junior Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    2005 Prius
    update on my car

    as of right now it seems the only time the non starting issue can be duplicated is with my scan gauge plugged in
    the gauge has been in the car 2 years so i don't know if it has just gone bad or the first shop fried it jumping the car or what, it appears to function normally
    but i will be thrilled if this is it, easy fix

    on the 12 volt battery not being able to handle the compressor, i have 3 small optima batteries i use for work in the car with their own charger, this is all separate from the cars electrical system and the compressor is hooked into that

    as far as plugging/unplugging big batt to work on car, the first shop bumped the switch when doing stuff back there with the air strut set up and we had it towed in because it would not jump or start , at that point as toyo was diagnosing things i believe they unhooked that big batt plug and the next dealership to work on it saw this

    but in the conversation regarding that plug, i was told that it should definitely be switched off and unplugged for people to work, drill , etc back there near the batt, this is for my gen 2, not sure about others

    so it should have been unplugged although i don't think we had it that way

    searching on this gen3 forum about the air stuff it is good to learn the suspensions are different and that is why it was impossible to find a kit for my car
    but there is now a kit for gen2, and it is bolt in, my car was used as the demo for this set up and it works great- my issues were electrical/computer not air bag system in phoenix , az makes this kit now, it is well made and this company has been completely fantastic in helping me through the disaster the other shop made and helping me with the electrical/computer stuff, they went above and beyond at every turn
    i would highly recommend them

    so i get the car back today and am praying it was just the messed up scan gauge, if not i will post back and let everyone know what we find
    thanks for all the info and help