A more important question is whether your parking situation allows for the use of Solar Roof. For me, I park in an underground garage at work during the day so I'd get essentially no benefit. Also, I live in relatively cool Redondo Beach. Your situation may be different.
I have solar roof in my car and I love it. But I cann't compare it with technology package as I don't have one. Last week-end we went to shopping and I parked my car in the sun. When we came back, the temprature inside the car was almost like the outside temprature ( not hot ) . It was very comfortable. Also, I read somewhere here that, as the temprature remains cooler inside, the A/C doesn't have to work hard to make the car cabin cooler and thus we save some gas. And also, we like the sunroof/moonroof too. - From Sunny Southern California
Disclaimer: It only gets up to 30C with low RH so conditions may be different than in FL. I leave it on all the time (unless it's dusty or there shop downstairs is having a BBQ/burger special and I don't want the fans sucking in all the smoke and fill my car with the smell of burgers). The SPVS helps vent out the hot air (no A/C) and those with the SR package will have beefed up fan blower motors to deal with the longer hours of use. You may have to change your cabin air filter more often depending on where you live. Combine that with the Heatshield sunshade and you never have to walk into an oven again. It's a luxury that I enjoy even up here in Canada. I don't use the Remote A/C function as often due to a short key fob range. This is the A/C button on the fob that you press to turn on the A/C to further cool the cabin if necessary. I can use it at home since the car is within range from inside the house (and there's a 3 min timer on that) but if I'm outside and walking towards the car, there's not enough time between you turning it on and getting to the car and opening the door. On the other hand, I love the DRCC (In Canada, our Tech Pack includes both SR and DRCC but no LKA). It makes highway driving a little less tiring and I can only assume LKA also helps in that regard. You also get PCS as a safety feature. It won't come to a complete stop but it will minimise the impact speed.
One pertinent question I would ask is, do you currently use cruise control every day on your 80 mile commute? I think DRCC would be cool, however, I find that I prefer to drive my Prius without using cruise. I seem to be able to eek out better mpg.
Go for it then. There are alternate ways of cooling the car, but you can't turn standard cruise control into DRCC.
Color is probably the single most buyer specific option. I wanted black and only black. Was lucky they had one in stock when I went to my local dealer. I would've waited until they got one in if they didn't have any in stock. I've since grown quite found of the Barcelona Red but those are the only two colors I like. If you're going to drive this vehicle for the next 5 years than I'd make sure you get exactly what you want. Otherwise, you'll kick yourself in the arse!!!
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0ijPeWms-w"]Firsthand look at 2010 @toyota Prius cruise control - YouTube[/ame] was demo of DRCC. I've test driven a '11 or '10 Prius w/DRCC, LKA and LDW before and was able to try out all 3 briefly on the highway before. It also had IPA which I briefly tried out, but that's gone for '12. I have to admit that all of these features are really cool. None of them existed as an option on the 2nd gen Prius (what I've got).
I have the V with the AT package, my parents have a IV with the SR package. We both like our cars; either way, there's no wrong choice. For me, I almost always park in the shade (by choice, often walking further) when I park for more than just a brief errand. So at work, I often use the parking garage. I don't want to park in the sun just to prevent aging the leather too much - I believe both the heat and the light will cause damage, so the SR will help some, but isn't as good as parking in the shade. But theirs is a nice car, too. You're right that there is the disadvantage of additional wear on the vent fan (and also replacing the cabin air filter more often). But if you like having a sunroof, or hate having a hot car, the solar roof is a great car too.
FullTank- I think your spot on with this last bit. It took me entirely too long to go out and get what I truely wanted for a car. I am getting more aligned with that now, and the question for me is painful choosing between a 2010 Blizzard with Solar or... and older Prius. I commute 80 miles a day. onto the Dynamic Cruise - I have that in a 2006 GS430 and I do enjoy it for a semi-busy road. I don't have much use for it during any sort of traffic. It's nice becuase you just change lanes and it will take you up to your specificed speed. (You can't cruise over 85MPH I dont believe..) Either way- I need to decied what I want and go with it. Contrats on your new order!