If you are 5' 6" I don't think 124 could be called overweight. But of course you have to go for what you're comfortable with. As long as you are exercising, portion control is key. Weight loss always (always for me, at least) involves a lot of fluctuations that have little or nothing to do with fat. I can fluctuate from one day to the next as much as my underlying weight (fat) loss for a month. So this is probably more due to fluctuation than underlying loss, but it's still good: At my weigh-in today I had lost 20.2 pounds since I joined WW. (This was two pounds less than a week ago, which is why I mention fluctuations, since I know I didn't lose two pounds of fat in one week on my present regimen. But still, the first day I hit a new low is worth celebrating. I will "celebrate" by having baked tilapia today, but without eating any more than my daily target.)
I said overweight (for me) in the sense that if I weigh the same as before but have less protein mass now, the difference is extra fat mass. I don't worry about some fat spread throughout the body, but most of my fat excess is abdominal, and that is definitely less than optimal. Daily fluctuations in weight are mostly water. I try to weigh myself in the morning with an empty bladder, but I still see 1 pound variance easily. Anyway, it sounds like you have a good handle on what a healthy diet and lifestyle requires, and no doubt you are motivated and disciplined. So keep on truckin'
I figure the fluctuations are water, and whether or not I've had a good poop recently. I lose about 1/4 pound per hour in the morning hours until I've had my morning coffee. So if I don't weigh myself at 6:00 a.m. I'll make the appropriate adjustment when I record my daily weight. As I said, I can gain or lose 2 pounds of weight (not fat!) from one day to the next depending on what I ate and whether or not I had a good poop. I also record my average weight for the week and my average net "points" consumption for the week, as well as my official WW weigh-in weight, which is always fully dressed, a few minutes before 9:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings, and almost always after exercise. With just 6 pounds to my interim goal, and 11 pounds to my long-term goal, I'm feeling pretty confident that I'll make the interim goal for next summer's hiking and the long term goal for the summer after.
IMHO it is not the weight it is the fat % you have to worry about. mine was 150lbs this morning, which at 5'5" and 25.0 BMI puts me in overweight group. But with 6-pack not sure where to loose it. If you enjoyed running try cycling; it is alot easier on joints, and alot easier if you are not in good shape. After all even at 3mph you are still riding bike where you'd be walking.
It's true that fat is what matters, not weight. However, once you know your approximate fat percentage, you know your target weight, and it's easy to weigh yourself but hard to measure fat percentage. Nobody puts muscle on their waist. Therefore, the waist is a pretty good indication of whether you are fat or muscular. As for walking vs. running vs. cycling... It's mostly a matter of preference: The exercise you enjoy is the one you're most likely to keep up with. I would say that very slow cycling is not better than walking. I like jogging because if I am in a jogging cadence my heart rate will be in the target zone. If I am cycling, I have to push myself hard to get my heart rate up. I can cycle (or swim!) at such a slow rate that I never get my heart rate up. Both cycling and swimming are low impact, but I ruined my shoulders swimming, and for several years I could not cycle due to an inflamed I.T. band. I was able to run when I could not cycle. So there are no absolutes. Contrary to some misconceptions and advertisements, there is no way to choose where you will gain or lose weight. All you can do is aim for a healthy weight (fat percentage). You can build up specific muscles, but fat will come and go where your body (not your brain) decides.
Yep. I use weight as a surrogate marker. For me it is a good one because I have not been gaining muscle mass, so any weight increase is fat. I don't worry about fat percentage because I can *see* the fat when it accumulates in my belly sub/Q tissues. I can also feel accumulation intra-abdominally -- or so I imagine. Perhaps I know too much about the metabolic syndrome, but I feel less energetic. I think this is in general true, although I do not know it to be an absolute. Each person certainly has predispositions, and females tend to deposit fat in the buttocks and hips while males tend to deposit fat in the trunk. It is just another example of female superiority All I can say is spindly legs and a bulging abdomen is unsightly. Thanks for the reminder. I love my bicycles, although they have been ignored for a while.
A month ago I wasn't sure what and Elliptical was but I joined a place called Planet Fitness and have been on one nearly every day since. PF is a chain of small gyms set up so that the appeal is to everyone not a weightbanger. There are several ellipticals, exercise bikes, stair climbers, treadmills etc. lined up stadium style in front of several TV's the sound for which is piped to a jack on each machine that allows you to listen to the channel you select on your headphones. The cost is minimal. 30 bucks to join and 10 bucks a month after that. Cancel anytime. They claim to be the fastest growing gym chain in the US. Even at 62 YO and 40 lbs overweight I feel very much at home there as most people that work out there don’t have ideal bodies to say the least but seem to be there to do something healthy everyday or so. I can easily do 60 minutes on the elliptical and with the TV’s and my own personal iPod there is plenty to keep me from getting bored. I’ve been at it a month, roughly 5 days a week and love it. I should mention that I was a runner for 15 years but quit due to having to run on roads and during bad weather conditions. The elliptical puts me back in the old running frame of mind where I felt guilty if I didn’t do it most everyday. I’ll also add that I’m not doing this primarily to lose weight bit I’ll happily take the loss if it happens. So far I have only lost a few pounds but if this new exercise program allows me to live longer and healthier then it’s all worth it. I’m posting to share what I found at Planet Fitness and also as a motivation to keep going. I’ll post again when I’m down to 175…although it’s not about the weightloss.
Congrats on finding a place you like and sticking with it. I've gone to gyms when my circumstances have made exercise at home impractical, and they usually seem about equally divided between weight lifters and people using the aerobics machines, with a few people doing both. On the aerobics machines there are usually some clearly overweight people, and some very healthy-looking people. On the weight machines, some very strong people and some even weaker than me. All types and kinds seem to go. So I'd encourage anyone who wants to get exercise but thinks they'd feel out of place in a gym to give it a try.
well daniel, you have met me and we are pretty much the same body type. i might be an inch or so taller than you and i am at 170. when i was 135, most people thought i was too thin and i would probably have to agree. i was at my best at 155. but that was at least 5-6 years ago and i am getting to age where i am converting muscle to fat. i need to get moving again.
I have to thank my parents for good genes and metabolism (19.3 BMI). Hope this will continue as I grow older (and after pregnancies if I will have any). Great to hear that you are achieving your goal, daniel.
Update: It's been slow, but this morning my weight is just a shade below 140. That's a real milestone. That puts me just 5 pounds from my interim goal, which I'll be satisfied with for six months or a year, and ten pounds from my ideal weight. Because I weigh myself at home naked in the morning, and I weigh myself at Weight Watchers fully clothed after having drunk water and exercised, my WW weight does not exactly track my home weight, and I'm probably six pounds from my declared WW goal. Unless I take my shoes off, since it's my home weight that matters to me. I'd actually be happy in the long term to be anywhere between 130 and 135. I used to weigh 130, but I was younger and was jogging 20 or 21 miles a week. Now that I cannot run that many miles, 130 might be too difficult to maintain. I'm going on a trip soon (so I'll be off line for a bit), and will probably gain some weight. But with no travel plans after that until spring, I am very optimistic about starting the hiking season at 135.
Update. It's been slow. Most of January my weight was stagnant, and towards the end of the month I spent a week in Santa Fe, gallery-hopping and eating in restaurants, and my weight hit 143. But I've been coming back down again since then, and this morning I was at 139, which is a new low since starting this diet. After my large morning mug of decaf, 45 minutes on the exercise bike, and a shower, I was 137.8, which I don't really count, but what the hey. My official Weight-Watchers weigh-in this morning, fully dressed including shoes, because I don't take my shoes off at WW, was 141.8, again a new low for this diet, and 1.2 pounds below last week (which doesn't mean much because last week I was retaining water -- those water fluctuations can be more than my actual weekly loss.) I weigh myself every morning, and take the average for the week, and that's the number I consider "real" for gauging my actual progress. And on that number I've been steadily loosing half a pound a week this whole month. Since I weigh myself fully dressed at WW, and naked at home, there is a slight discrepancy in my goals. As of this morning I am 4.8 pounds from my officially declared WW goal of 137 dressed, but only 4 pounds from my own actual short-term goal of 135 naked. In the long term I want to get to 130, but that can wait until I reach 135 and maintain it for a half a year.
The only people that say they are big boned are fat people trying to justify their size. My sister used to weigh 275 lbs, she was “big bonedâ€. When she got to 145, she was “small bonedâ€. Right. I used to go to a gym, 5-6 days a week for 1-1/2 hours each time I went. I did that for over a year, and while my muscle mass did go up a little, my blood pressure was still boarder line high and my cholesterol was 260 and that was with the maxium drug dose I could take. It wasn’t worth it to me. There had to be a better way. I know many people that go to WW and I don’t know anyone that goes there that has achieved a BMI under 25 and some of those people have been going for years. I weighed 204lbs a year ago. In 4 months I went to 164 and I didn’t exercise any more than I did before I changed my diet. I’m still on cholesterol lowering drugs, but now I’m on the lowest dose and soon to be off altogether. On my diet, I don’t count calories, no points, no trades, I eat more than I ever have. After I lost the weight I did, my wife also changed her diet and went from 135 to 105 in 6 months. If WW works for you, good, I don’t believe in paying someone to tell me how good I’m doing and having to buy their food, I can’t afford that. If they are so good, why do they say in their ads “These results are not typical, you should not expect these results.†People want a magic bullet, they want to eat the way they always have and loose weight. We are on the verge of having a new diet pill being approved so we can have a Big Mac super sized for lunch and a large pizza supreme for dinner and take a pill and still loose weight. Those chemicals are not without risk. 3500 calories puts on a pound, running for an hour takes off 200 calories, do the math, it’s much easier not to eat those calories than to take them off once they are there. The flame suit is on, so have at it. I don’t care, I’m not going to be fat again. Dave
Good job! I'm using an app on my phone called Lose It that you track what you eat, what exercise you did, etc, etc. and it'll track your progress for you. You can even sign in via their website and export data to spread sheets for whatever you please. That said, I was around 198 in January and that 200 mark being just around the corner was sort of a wake up call for me. After a bout with the flu in mid-January, I was down to 192 at the end of January. I made my goal 175, with 1/2 lb a week of loss. I figure that's a decent goal for me because it doesn't restrict my calorie intake tremendously from the start. After a month of using the app, I'm down to 188, which is actually more than my goal but I also know some of that is water, too. However, I've noticed I'm a full notch tighter on the belt now than I was before. I also started walking with someone else 3 times a week. Not a super fast pace or long distance, but we are still getting exercise we otherwise wouldn't have gotten. Unfortunately, it's been a couple weeks since we walked because I've been doing some renovating downstairs and that's been taking up a lot of my time. It's also been helping me burn a lot of calories, though . If I reach 175, I may try to go for 165 next year. Keep up the good work, Daniel.
Good going, wick1ert. Maybe not always true, but very often true. I'm small-boned, so I need to be a bit lighter for my heights than the average. You still have to do it yourself. I see a lot of people making no or little progress. But at the meeting I attend, there are several lifetime members: People who have lost considerable weight (75 pounds in one case, 95 in another, lesser amounts in other cases). It's not a "magic bullet" but it does work for some people. You do not have to buy their food. You're thinking of Nutri-System, where you have to buy meals from them. WW sells foods, but they are just a convenience. I never buy WW foods. They are good because they offer a well-balanced plan that works if you follow it, but you still have to follow it. And they offer group support, which is helpful for some people. Too true! And they want to be able to lose weight without exercising. If you lose weight without exercising, you're either taking a very harmful drug (such as amphetamine or something that works like it) or you have a wasting illness (such as hyperthyroidism or something that has similar effects) or you have worms. Once upon a time there was a "diet pill" that contained a worm egg. You only had to take one pill once and then you'd lose weight. Getting rid of the worms was a whole 'nuther problem. Oh, then there's the Atkins diet, which is effective for a while, if you ignore that it wreaks havoc with your metabolism, greatly increases your risk of heart attack, and is unsustainable for the long term since it denies you the essential fuel your body needs, forcing it into metabolic pathways that completely screw it up. Weight watchers is working for me. It does not require me to buy their foods. There are no required foods and no prohibited foods. Just a plan for well-balanced eating and portion control with group support. Following the plan is up to you. It's not easy and there are no magic bullets. None at all. If you'd care to share how you lost weight without exercising and while eating more calories than ever, I'm sure we'd all be interested.
You're reading something in my post that I didn't say. Common error, not a big deal. I said that I eat more food than I ever have. I eat foods that have a calorie density of 400 - 500 calories per pound or less. Since most people eat 3 - 4 pounds of food a day ( in some cases a lot more ), I do very well. dave
There is indeed a fountain of youth. It's called diet and exercise. Mind you, I've never had any extra weight to lose, so what would I know?