Does toyota not respect the "foreign side" (right side)? Oddly enough, my american Grand AM, has the cap on the foreign side! every other pontiac I have ever seen uses the american side (left). What's up with the sides thing? It doesn't work anymore.
I like it on the left since that is the drivers side here in the US? Is the fuel door on the pther side on RH drive Prius or toyotas or still on the left? Anyone know?
We just test drove an '06 on Saturday, but I do not recall where the gas cap is... I probably assumed it is on the driver's side, like my '95 Corolla and DH's '04 Camry...
Some time ago there was a puzzle on Car Talk that had two attendents at a gas station guessing on whether a driver came up with the correct side by the pump. One guy was nearly always correct. The answer to the puzzle was that this guy would notice the car's exhaust. The gas fill pipe is nearly always on the side opposite the exhaust.
My 65 Mustang Fastback has it in the middle of the rear. I think this is the correct spot for it. Al...
My father's 1964 Plymouth Fury had it there too. It was hidden behind the rear license plate. It's a very convenient place for it to be.
When I opened this thread, I thought the poll choices would be "left" and "right", and that the point would be that Prius owners don't buy gas often enough to remember.
You should look at wilco's avatar above. The Icon for the gas pump has an arrow pointing to which side it's on. Another random fact brought to you by a Random engunneer
Yea, why DON'T they put the gas cap in the middle. Then you can glide up to either side of the gas pumps.
I'd rather have it on the right side. Most cars in the US have it on the left side so when filling up in the summer at busy gas stations there's usually less of a line at the pumps for right fill side vehicles. Yeah, you could turn around but some stations on the parkway etc are 'one way'...
The correct side for fuel doors is CURBSIDE. That way, if you run out of gas and pull over, you are not standing out in traffic with a gas can. VW touts this as a safety feature. However, this isn't much of an issue with a Prius, if you run out of gas, you can just drive it to the gas station and fill up. Nate
I like it on the driver's side. Don't have to walk around the car to the passenger side after pulling up to the pump. Call me lazy.
Really doesn't make any difference, most gas pums have a long enough hose to reach the far side, just pull slightly past your grade and stretch across the back, whats the big deal?
Having two cars with the tanks on different sides is confusing though. I'm always driving up to the wrong side. Our Honda is on the left, and the Subaru is on the right -- both Japanese too.
Way back in the days of classic Prius, fuel fill was on the passenger (US curb) side. Could not tell ya why they switched. The 12 v battery also switched sides with the model change.