2011 Prius II hatchback MSRP: 25,422 I am in florida. I got a price quote of $21,500 +tax+dealer fee+tag The OTD: $21,500+6%tax+599+200 = $23,589---Is this a good deal? Planning on buying this weekend. Please suggest. Thanks.
I bought a new 2011 Prius II last night---$21,700 OTD, near DC. Even with interest (1.9%), my total is $1,000 less than your OTD.
I think that's a decent price...a good price. You could try to negotiate down, and around the country, you are going to probably find people that have gotten slightly better deals. Of course 2011's are being sold to make way for the updated 2012's as well as the influx of new product Toyota plans. So leverage on remaining 2011's should be good. That might not be the "best" deal anyone got on a 2011, but I think once the 2011's are gone, and then shortly with the introduction of the Prius C...and with gas prices likely to rise this spring and summer...my guess is in the near future purchasing a new Prius II for anything less than $24,000 will rapidly become unheard of.... I'd shake the tree a little...see if you can get them to come down. But neither would I feel too bad if that was the deal.
1st look msrp which is overprice$1500 with ?tint or something else.....so find dealer who sells car as come from manufacture ...your final price for this car...20500 plus ttl............donot pay that price.... thanks hank
I'm going to take a different view: I think with the C and PIP coming out along with the V and the HB already in the stable there is going to be more interest in the C, PIP, and V than in the dated HB. The C's cheaper with better MPG and this will be the hottest car. I thing the HB will become the ugly redheaded step child that no body wants and they'll be doing big discounts to move them. Just my 2 cents - time will tell
I am also shopping around DC but the lowest I found is 23000 otd. Can you show me where you got yours? Many thanks!
Thanks for all of your input. For florida, there is southeast toyota fee extra when compared to other areas. Here in Florida, they are running out of 2011's very fast. There is not any other dealer who would even price-match this price. The dealer had 5 2011's left when i went yesterday and 3 were already gone this morning. There are basically no delas on the new 2012's. Once the 2011's are gone, I have to basically wait and wait for a deal. Prius C--I have to be willing to wait atleast couple more months and it is only $2000 less. I read the reviews and trunk space is less which will not work for us (family). Gas prices are going up fast and i really need a car as my old one is dead from last 2 months Finally "I bought my first Prius today and I Love Love my car":cheer2:
That's a nice deal. Considering people were paying MSRP for that car 6 months back, you did great. Enjoy your Prius!