So here we are in 2012... After much work with the sideline job.. and much, much saving.. I had enough money saved up to either... pay off the house, or buy a Prius PHV in CASH.... As my old Frontier is still rolling (oil leak is getting quite bad, and now it needs power steering fluid every few weeks) and getting me around... I decided to pay off the house... so I can PROUDLY say that as of this moment my wife and and are DEBT FREE.... we pay off the credit cards every month.. and owe no money to any bank for a car or house loan of any kind.... As we just went on a small Mardi Gras vacation.. the Prius is still a topic of conversation for the family... My wife loves to point out the drivers of all the Prius we see on the road.. most of the time the drivers are: a. - a female... b.- an "old man" or.... you guessed it.. c. - a "wuss looking" man.... yeah I know.. I know.. we've gone over that conversation MANY TIMES... don't want to start that topic AGAIN I still talk about "my prius".. and how one day I will have one.. and she just smiles and says.. "whatever you want, dear"... so how you guys doin'?
Say what? I beg to differ. Gender and apparent age are irrelevant. What you saw were experienced, thinking people who, on consideration of the solid reliability of the Prius, its roominess and interior appointments, and constantly rising gas prices chose the best possible option for hanging onto their hard earned cash...:rockon: No doubt to pay off their mortgage, college loans (theirs, the kids...), credit card debt, etc. :cheer2: Good to hear from you Coach. Keep up the good fight.
Maybe women, old men, and nerdy guys are more likely to care about solid reliability, roominess, interior appointments, and fuel efficiency, while younger men want cars that make a lot of noise to draw attention to themselves. Just a thought.
You've come such a long way, started out by outright calling us all gay, now it's just: a. - a female... b.- an "old man" or.... you guessed it.. c. - a "wuss looking" man.... Congratulations, at this rate you may actually get a life.
good move to pay off the house once gas hits $6 what will she say? in Vancouver gas is $1.40 a litre, today so it is getting closer
Congrats on being debt free!!!!! In the current world we live in I believe that was a super smart choice!! Now save up and buy a PiP or a Ford Fusion Energi next year
I have no feelings either way about the issue, it's just that thinly veiled insults, don't fly as far as I'm concerned. As I have hit a nerve also, forward we go.,
The frau and I decided to get this little car when ... . . . . <---- My daily driver went all demon on me in the driveway before going to work one morning... Three days later... I drove to Fairfield while talking to the dealer on the cell phone with the wife in the passenger seat of the Minivan and bought this Prius as they were driving it off the delivery truck... my only stipulation was that is wasn't red. The car payment for this fully optioned ride has been less than what I paid just for the gas to take the Vette in all month... and the gas is included with the Prius - same miles every day, I just get another car for the money too... I still own the Vette in the avatar, I just haven't sprung the coins to rebuild it... especially since GM doesn't carry a lot of the parts anymore. :yo: