One year ago today I purchased my BWP Prius and am still as delighted as I was then! Some brief observations -- I am getting mid 40 mpg's this winter; it handles very well during our winter storm 2 days ago; I drive it mostly like a normal car during a 40-mile round trip daily commute during rush hour traffic. I am so pleased with the mileage I am getting now, especially since I have a limited opportunity to pulse and glide, just keeping up with the flow of traffic. This is the best car ever and I hope it performs like this for many years to come! Especially since gas will soon be $5.00 per gallon this summer! Although I could not drive my Prius yesterday because we had 8 inches of snow, I could drive it today and I am soooo happy on my first anniversary! :cheer2:
Happy birthday to your Prius! Mine is almost one, too. We'll be celebrating in another week. I am still in love. I plan to give her a bath for a present.
Happy brithday! Mine is about 2 years old today. Still getting in the high-40's to low 50's. If you can't pulse and glide, fall in behind a large manly pickemup truck and let them do some hyper-miling for you. That is my secret.
Less than a month remains until mine turns 2. I was thinking of "upgrading" to a 2012 c, but after a ~1200-mile round trip yielding 52.8 mpg (on the readout; I didn't do the math), I can't imagine there being any negligible improvement with the c.
My 2010 Prius is going to be 2 in May. I love driving my car. Glad we didn't get no 8 inches by O'Hare... Hpw do you like the solar roof?
I haven't tried the solar roof last summer because I park in a parking lot and think it is too dusty in the area so I don't want all that dust, etc. circulating into the car during the day. BTW, when it was 99 degrees last summer, I set the temp at 67 degrees and still got high 40's mpg! The car cooled off relatively quickly so I don't think I need to use the solar roof option, but I like the extra light coming into the car when you slide the panel open for the moon roof. We sure are lucky we have such a great car!
I actually bought a birthday cake for my car! And BWP will get a bath as soon as the temperature goes above freezing! We had a huge snowstorm the other day and the car, although dirty, hides it pretty well. We're happy.
Thanks for the great advice! I will definitely try that on our expressways! Happy 2nd birthday to yours!
Congrats on the anniversary. The 8 year anniversary for mine just happened a couple of weeks ago. If my experience is any indication, you should continue to be happy with yours for many years to come. Parting with my 2004 will be bittersweet, but I can't wait for my 2012 to arrive.
Wow, that is the best news ever! 8 years and you still love your car! Congratulations on your 2012 and I know you will really like the Gen III improvements -- hope your new car arrives soon!
I'm happy to see someone VERY close to my home finding the same mpg for this winter. I also have a IV. I'm finding around 46-47 on my short drives. Happy birthday to yours! Mine turns 3 in June!!