I just purchased a "V" last Friday. One of the things that I could not find in the documentation provided by the dealer or in the manuals was the phone number for roadside assistance. I called Toyota this AM and the representative told me the correct number is 800-297 0486. He said you could also call customer care but, this is the direct number. So far, I am very impressed with the "V". It is my first Prius and I think I am going to like it a great deal.
I got a key tag with my 2012 Prius showing - Roadside Assistance Toyota Care - First 2 years/25K miles - 1 (800) 444-4195 ToyoGuard - After 2 years/25K miles - 1 (800) 528-2054
Do they all come with Roadside Assistance? I have a v5 without ATP. I wonder if a dealer can supply me with some key tags.
Roadside was mentioned to me during the key insurance part of the finance office. I now have 3 to choose from. Your car insurance may offer it for a nominal fee. Ours is free with having the insurance. W
All new 2012 Prius comes with 2 years/25K miles Toyota Care with Roadside Assistance (www toyota com/toyota-care/) (www toyota com/owners/web/pages/parts-service/toyota-care)
When you get your car, you should have 2 smart key remotes and one of them should have the key tag mentioned in your manual. Be sure to keep that in a safe place. It's small and hard to believe it is important, but it is.
That is the Key Number Plate which is a tiny metal plate and have the ID number of your smart key. The one that I have besides the metal Key Number Plate is a plastic one and it has the roadside assistance info and phone number on it. Too bad I'm not able to post pictures yet, I shall post one later when I can so you know what it looks like.
The metal Key Number Plate is important if you lost your keys, your dealership needs your Key Number to have replacement keys made that will match your vehicle.
Okay, now I have 5 posts, let me try to post the picture of my Roadside Assistance key tag which is a tiny 1.75" x 1" plastic
Thanks for posting that. I'll take a copy to my local Toyota dealer and see if I can get some key tags. (We find ourselves driving a lot more since we got the vee and have already planned a summer driving trip of over 3k miles).
I immediately put the 5 digit code from the metal key tag in LastPass (my password vault) along with the VIN, etc. I know I will never find that little metal tab but I will always have my password vault.
I wrote metal tage key number on the back of the business card that my salesman gave me and keep it in my wallet. When I go for my first 5,000 mile service, I'll get a business card from my dealer Service manager and do the same, as well as writing the "800" road service numbers and placing the card in my wallet.