Good luck, your tech probably won't know a thing about it unless he owns/drives a Prius himself....and it isn't a problem, it's part of the battery maintainence. It's a 'feature'.
I don't believe this explanation. Is it anything more than speculation by a few owners? I've had this happen to me a few times, and it stops if I power off the car and then restart it. If the rapid start/stop cycling were due to the reason you describe, my shutting the car off once and then powering it up it should not have made any difference. The cycling should have continued once the car was powered up again. I've also had this happen with less than the full number of bars.
Do you want a memo from Toyota? I'm sorry you don't believe the explaination, but it's the conclusion of several of us after extensive discussion in the winter months of 2003 when many of us experienced the phenomenon. Universally it involved high SOC. It is known how much power is drained to spin up the ICE via MG1 and it makes perfect sense knowing how the battery is maintained. BTW, shutting down your Prius is a bad idea. You cause the car to go back through the warm-up cycles burning richer fuel. It does, indeed, consume quite a bit of battery power and it will, indeed, stop the on off cycling b/c it puts the car into a completely different stage of warm-up than it was in previously. But, feel free to believe what you will, this explaination may not be 100% accurate but no one's proposed a more reasonable explaination yet.
I know what this member is talking about He's right My story I was coming down my steep driveway when I had to stop in the middle to wait for my cat to move as I waited the ICE went crazy on off on off every 2 seconds I reached my parking area on level ground and it continued . Bars were at blue waited 15 min to see if it would stop not until I shut the Prius down .Its not the spinning down the charge I know what that is it happens in the winter all the time.
That's something totally different. You actually sat there for 15 watched a clock?! If my car did that I'd take it in to get checked out. I've never hear of anyone's car cycling more than 8-10 times before stopping and the ICE usually just stays on for a moment. If your did that for 15 minutes I don't know how you could have any charge at all left on your HV should have run down to empty...heck that had to be at least 150 cycles of off and on--probably more. I just don't remember enough of the details about how much power it takes to spin the ICE and exactly how much energy the HV battery can hold, but I don't think there's enough power in there for 150 on cycles without some period of recharging.
The reason I let it keep going that long is to see if it would stop on its own In that time the battery went down some but not much. I took it to Toyota and guess what they said We cant see any problem. The prius never has done it again. So if this never happened to you I don't think you can comment what was happing to my Prius
Whatever you say...I'm just telling you the math doesn't add up. If it was truely cycling completely on and completely off as described by the OP with no time to recharge the battery since the ICE is only on for a brief moment then it makes no sense the battery wasn't completely discharged with that many cycles. I wasn't there and there may be more to the story, but I know how the car works, I know that there's a finite amount of energy stored in the battery and that a certain amount of energy is required to start the ICE with MG1...and I just don't think there's 150 cycles worth of energy available in the battery. Maybe someone can crank the numbers and show me I'm wrong--electrical stuff isn't my strong suit--but something about what you're describing doesn't add up.
Is it possible this situation happens only when the battery is highly charged and the motor is undertemp? This is a obviously little different that the descriptions I have heard so far, but is it possible the charge on the battery is causing the engine to shut down (to avoid further charging), and the under temp motor is asking the engine to start back up?
Interesting thought, though it seems like the ICE would keep running to warm up. But if, as I first described, the temp was marginal and the SoC high it's possible those two factors could overlap. Hard to imagine that going on for 15 minutes, but who knows.
Someone told me about on off cycling on their car It happened in the summer and in a flat area so no way it needed to dump battery charge. They were sitting in a traffic jam. My car has never done this so far. I have seen battery equalizing that seemed pretty strange till I learned what it was. Maybe this was another form of battery cell equalizing than what my car did? Or could it have to do with a cannister purge cycle? I don't know how that works yet.
The engine isn't actually cycling on & off as y'all led me to believe. I hunted out a hill in the suburbs that would allow me to glide the entire way down and was long enough to generate a substantial electricity reserve . And by an amazing stroke of luck, I actually did. Every light in the series was green. The one at the bottom was red. The moment I reached it, the eighth bar illuminated in green. Stopped there waiting for traffic to open up, I felt (for the first time ever, despite almost 105,000 miles of Prius driving) that "discharge scenario" begin. It was most definitely doing that to protect the battery-pack. But it wasn't utilizing any fuel, hence no "on" (start). The engine motion was far too smooth for that. It didn't take long to figure out what it was really doing. The small motor was spinning up the engine to full RPM for starting, then allowing it to slow down almost completely... repeating the process over and over again, draining a little bit more of the electricity supply each time. There is no actually starting & stopping of the engine. It only spins via electricity.
suppose a prius-tech-in-training's opinion won't convince everyone here... but last night as we were checking out this thread DH told me that you guys had come up with the answer, that it's just the bleeding off of electricity from the battery and any shop will tell you there's nothing wrong with the car. take it or leave it, just adding my 2 cents.
went to toyota today and none of the three techs made it to work. They must not own a prius! I got a new apointment for friday. I am certain you guys are probably right when you say they will say "nothing is the wrong" I wish a Prius tech on this sight would give me some input. A prius tech that is one of us, An owner !!!!!!!!! that cares.
So you are a tech and you are one of us by the looks of the extras you put on your car. Then this condition is normal cold weather operation and will not hurt anything, just annoy me?
my husband is an ASE-certified (should hear about that master cert in a week or so), toyota tech. he's in training to be a prius tech. well, you could say he's apprenticing with a certified prius tech but he works pretty independently on prii daily now and has had ZERO prius comebacks in the 6 months he's been working on them. all the prius techs go to him for basic operating knowledge that they don't have because they don't drive prii themselves. we have an 05 black since march, he drives it regularly but not as often as i do. now that you've got his credentials... and he's had time to mull over the problem a bit and check out the thread in very good detail instead of glancing over it... here's his 'final answer' yes, it's normal. nothing is wrong with the car. it's trying to maintain the optimum engine temp to keep fuel efficiency high and emissions low. it's more economical to have it start and stop rather than just stay on. as some pointed out here, it may also be related to high soc on the battery, IF the battery was green when it happened. what john saw was because he was coasting downhill and the battery was being charged too much, so it was spinning up the motor and not actually starting it, to bleed off energy. also, it's not related to canister purge cycles (only done when the ice first starts) might be done sporadically as the motor starts and stops, but wouldn't cause the on/off/on/off cycle like that. [editorial note: i'm just typing what he's telling me. i have no personal knowledge of this stuff] a more detailed explanation of what happened would be good too, some in-depth details. how long was the engine on and off for? how long was the car on? how long was the light? how many bars on the battery? etc. either way though, the car's fine.
I'd like to apologize and correct my statements above. Although I still can't imagine a scenario that would normally cause the ICE to cycle like that for 15 minutes I took the concept to some actual smart people and got a nice response from Wayne Brown who states that it certainly is well within the range of useful charge of the HV battery to cycle as many times as described by Robinredbreast. Further, contrary to John and other's assumptions Wayne's determined that the ICE DOES actually fire on those cycles...he didn't speculate as to why. Here's his reply to me:
Thanks, Evan, for your forthrightness and research. My car has cycled, in both warm and chilly weather, based on SOC. From the sound, I always thought the ICE was coming on; thanks for your confirmation. And thank you, Wayne Brown. It is disconcerting when this very smart car starts turning on and off, seemingly for no reason. Now we know some reasons.