bought a white one last week, loved it so much went back to buy another she wanted a black with tan int. dealer gave us a great price but had to find one for us. car came in from NJ they mounted the front lic plate holder on ..needless to say the wife hates it!! we took the car but she started to cry that night (that's how much she hates it) I know it might not be such a big deal to most of us, but she might want to bring it back get a refund.Any thoughts?????? what to do???? Terry
she can't stand the front lic bracket she loves the color ..when the dealer told us he had to get the car from another dealer we just didn't think that it would have been installed...the more she thinks about it the worse she feels. we bought a white prius last week and loved it so much she wanted another one.
Ask the dealer to remove and fix holes. No brainer! You should have a few days where you can return with no questions asked. They'll listen to you!!!
That is what I'm doing tomorrow, they wanted to use small plastic plugs but the holes would have to be painted and filled in plugs wont do it. If not she might be going back, spent to much $$ for it not to be right.
Or, maybe buy a new front bumper cover? I don't know how much it will cost, but maybe with the money you saved on buying the car, it might be better to buy the new bumper cover rather than return the car (assuming you can return the car). Mike
Put a Nice Custom License Plate with her name on it, and move on. I do know how she feels because I bought my Prius in NJ, but that dealer is near PA and does not install the Front License Plate Brackets until after the Sale. I had the dealer write on the Sales Order - Do not install License Plate Bracket - Pennsylvania Sale. I would have gone crazy if the dealer installed the bracket.
That's not a law nor a universal practice. There's no "cooling off" period here in CA, for example. A few dealers like do have a money back guarantee for a brief duration. I've never known of anyone taking advantage of it and I kinda wonder how the paperwork would be for the person returning the car and for the next person buying it.
Not a good idea to fill holes in bumpers because they flex a lot. You might have problems down the road.
Did it on a another car some time back turned out ok, looks like she just might have to get over it. life is going to suck for a few weeks.
OP - yes I get the disappointment - it is a very small issue but on a quite large purchase. Obviously you now know that you should have told the dealer that this was an issue - a car coming with a front plate bracket is common especially if the car is coming from a state that requires a front plate. You also probably now realize that you should have brought it up before taking delivery of the car. All that is water under the bridge though. You need to deal with this quickly - the big milestone with this car is registering it with the state - as soon as that is done it will be forever a used car. In a number of places it can take a couple of days for the paperwork to be actually sent in an processed, and in this case you might be in luck. Call the dealer first thing and see if there might be a chance to stop the process if it has not already been done. If so then talk to them to see if the car might be swapped for another. Realize that they do not have a legal obligation so be nice and push all of the "great customer service" cards you can. Realize that you might need to cover some cost if they agree. If they can not swap the car then see what sort of deal they might be willing to work on a new bumper cover and painting it to match the car - do not expect them to do it for free, but get as good a discount as possible from them.
Years ago we ordered a station wagon with a white interior for my wife. When it came the car had a gold interior, it turns out that that Dodge had discontinued the white interior in wagons that year. My wife cried for a week. A year later she told me she was happy with the interior color and it would have been foolish to get white. (We had a new baby at the time). Don't waste money foolishly, live with it, in a year after the dings and dirt the front plate will not matter.
While I understand her perspective being fussy about my own car this is one of those things that is difficult to undo. Honestly it may be a good time for the wife to realize that life is full of compromises and doesn't always go our way. In the grand scheme of things if this is her only problem only shock awaits in the future. Coping skills are important in life. I'm not trying to be negative to your wife at all just concerned for her when or if something major happens. In my world if my family is healthy and I have my basic needs covered the rest is just noise. And yes despite liking to keep a nice car it is just noise. Believe it when someone says don't sweat the small stuff. It isn't healthy. W
Just imagine how her life would suck for 365 days of the year if you live in a state that requires front license plate