A picture by Cindy Sherman What do you see in this picture? or nuq ta' SoH legh Daq vam? I'll wait for a response first. If anyone makes the same answer I do, I'll thank them.
I see a hand, a large what appears to be an acorn, a hair piece and unibrow, and what looks like a possums face under a black light....
I see a bald guy with a rag on his head, a fur stole, a pinky ring, fake hair and eyebrows (notice the strap that holds them on), and the whole image appears to be squashed in the vertical dimension.
I still think the picture looks like a Klingon, but maybe it's not a guy....no face hair or hair on the hands. Cindy Sherman would put herself in her pictures.
I wasn't sure that the face and hand belong to the same person. Or the hand is lacking makeup to go along with the face.
Mick Jagger dressing up as a young Brian Eno dressing up as Frida Kahlo dressing up as Leonardo Da Vinci.
This is obviously an anti-Obama statement of some kind, perhaps a bit obscure and not immediately evident as to exactly what the particular anti-Obama claim is, but the complete absence of US flag symbolism or of bunting draped hefalumps clearly marks it as strongly anti-Obama and it should be pushed into FHoP straightaway.
I see $3.9 Million http://www.popphoto.com/news/2011/0...lls-39-million-auction-highest-ever-photograp
The New Nersey wharf rats pressed into service to masquerade as the mink stole have obviously been starved half to death in order to appear more authentic and the PETA department of feral litigations should be notified.
I immediately saw Mick Jagger, as well - but them thought about Columbus's son born in the West Indies.