I'm thinking that an anti-messiah figure wouldn't be really interested in keeping a mutt. If he (or she) did, it probably wouldn't the most pampered of pets. I'm also thinking that the anti-Jesus one would want to be kinda stealthy initially, so the pet name probably would be a little more subdued. The feral anti-Bush folks out there would probably speculate about the name "Barney." YMMV!
More to reason antichrist would have a cat. And didn't you ever see "all dogs go to heaven" one or two?
So if a Anti Poodle comes in contact Positive Poodle, does the resulting release of energy devastate the planet, or do they just cancel each other out? E = Poodle C², Einstien was close....now that could be the answer to the oil crisis!
I can't figure out if I agree with this or not. I like cats, obviously. If the Antichrist is a bad guy then he couldn't have a cat because cats are the highest of all beings. (They are because they know they are.) But if he is against religion then he's a good guy, and he could have a cat. As for keeping a low profile, having a dog would not interfere with that, as long as he uses a pooper scooper. Though that raises another question: If the Antichrist had a dog, would he use a pooper scooper, or just leave the dog's messes on the sidewalk? Now that would be truly evil. Maybe that's how you can identify the Antichrist: he doesn't clean up after his dog. I guess, rather than speculate on what pet the Antichrist would have, I'll just stick to wondering about my original question, which is conditional upon the included supposition: IF he had a dog, would it be the Antidog?
Wait a minute... someone has already posted that in another forum... It would be a Portuguese Water Dog...