I'm really new here; I just signed up on Sunday 2/19, but I have to ask -- are the forums always this slow? I'm getting page load times of 45 seconds and up this morning, and I had several outright timeouts last night. It's not happening along the way -- I have ping times of 83ms average and 94ms max to the server, and the non-forum pages load just fine. I'm a professional webmaster. If I can be of any help, please don't hesitate to ask. This is a great resource, and I'd hate to see it underutilized because of speed...it's really hard to use now. Scott
You might email [email protected] to offer help. The forums are not always this slow, but as we hit 100k threads in the past couple weeks things really started going bonkers and it's been a huge problem.
Just as Evan stated, started after hitting 100k. There is a thread in the pc question forum danny was posting in, but if you can help in any way I'm sure Danny would love to hear from you EVO 4G ?.
I am a member of many car forums and one of my favorites is slower than this one... yes, this is next to the slowest. My antique PC (still has a floppy drive on it) works better at loading this site after I went on line for pcmedic, but still slow....but maybe 50% faster than before.
That's an awesome offer, Scott. Danny says that he has the hardware but is struggling with the software. If you have skills with Nginx, PHP and/or MySQL please contact him immediately.