Everyone knows how great MPG can be. What is the lowest MPG you have seen and what driving conditions? Still on the first tank of gas from new. 43 mpg on a 5 mile highway trip at about 28 degrees.
On a test drive last week, I got 26 MPG on a ~10 minute drive, taking the car on city streets from the dealership to our house, which is at ~500 feet higher elevation than the dealership. On the reverse of the same trip, back to the dealership, I got 98 MPG. ;-)
As I recall the worst I have gotten over any distance was about 37 or 38 MPG on a 200 mile trip down the Columbia River Gorge on I 84. Wind was 40 to 50 MPH with gusts to 60 or so, not uncommon for that area. My Gen3 Prius is pretty stable in strong winds and not to bad to drive in those conditions, even so I was driving quite a bit slower than the posted 65 MPH speed limit, as were most other cars.
29ish (31mpg shown on MFD) after a 30 min stretch of hwy @75mph into a constant 30+mph headwind. My leadfoot wife has been able to pull down a calculated 39mpg for a full tank.
With very short trips in the cold - such as dropping off my daughter at school in the winter - mpg can be in the 20's but that is to be expected. On regular trips driving fairly fast (75+) mileage is in the high 30's - same as I get when towing my small sailboat - both I think is pretty amazing given that it is better mileage than all but a handful of cars being driven under optimal conditions. Absolute wost mileage I have gotten is in gridlocked traffic such as the time my GPS sent me through the cherry blossom festival in Washington DC. Mileage is fine for the first few minutes, but once the hybrid battery is low the mileage bottoms out. It took close to an hour or so to go a couple of miles and while I do not remember the mileage it was likely in the single digits.
Worst tank I ever had was 45.31. It does no good to compare cold start, 2 mile, winter trips, driving uphill when discussing Prius MPG's ... REV
0 mpg, when I started my car, let it idle and then shut it off without moving. However, my WORST TANK was January 2011, when I drove 495 miles using 9.55 gallons of gasoline (51.8 mpg calculated). I love this car.
16.9mpg this summer. 5 miles - traffic jam over 100 degrees. It kept burning off all the charge then starting the engine too short. I wasn't trying, but I did know it would be bad, so I hit trip b, before the trip. It was worse than I expected.
I tried one whole tank driving it like I'd stolen it. Used the throttle like an on/off switch. HVAC controls set for comfort. Routing set for SOA (speed of advance). I think I was < 45. Like 44.8. It never gets very cold down here, and we don't have large terrain features to traverse---do our MPG delta stories are kinda dull. I always tell people who ask about my mileage that if you drive like Grandma, you'll get about 55. If you drive like a normal person, you'll get about 50, and if you drive it like a teenager you can expect somewhere around 40-45. If they've ever heard of the word "hypermile" I'll tell them that my best tank was 59.9 (real mileage, not Prius faked mileage.) So far that's been 1 person. YMMV
33 mpg on expressway 65 mph with cruise on and into a 40 mph wind with gusts over 50. Return trip 67 mpg with the tail wind.
I haven't calculated (or looked at the displays to see) my individual trip mileage. I've been tracking my mileage per tank, though (dividing miles traveled on the tank by gallons pumped), and my worst tank of the five I've pumped so far has been 43.31 MPG. The other four have been 48.0, 51.5, 48.3, and 49.9.
i got 15mpg the first 2 mins and and then 25mpg for the next 2 mins this morning....rest of the time it stayed at about 48-49mpg
Traveling across Montana 35-45mph winds, 104 degrees,air cond. on high,85 mph, 375 miles 36.4mpg. I was very happy with that! :mod:
My lower mileage tanks have been in the 43-45 mpg range. My worst tank was 36mpg, because I used the car for heat, light and entertainment during a two day power failure in my neighborhood.
43mpg.... no ECO mode original PSI in the tires lack of experience on techniques Weather is a huge factor, but making sure you and your car are tuned properly is key for mpg.
I regularly get 40mpg per tank averages here in winter (hand calculated). I see 50 or a bit over in the summer. Lots of deep cold and hilly highway travel drop the Prii's overall MPG quite a bit. Talking to a number of other Prius owners in the area, they have the same experience. I have no issue with these numbers, as my friends who drive other cars point out, I'm not allowed to "complain" about "only" getting 40 mpg.