TMS' latest "advertisment" thought it was kind of unique (and the PHV looks more like Magnetic Grey than Winter Grey and it looks pretty nice in a darker shade of metallic grey).
I don't get it. Is that page supposed to give more information other than show the one artist's drawing of a car on a chunk of Earth floating in the sky? No links to anything more?
Did you check if you've enabled javascript/flash? It should give you the language selection menu (floating menu above that chunk of Earth) after which you will enter the site.
David, have you deleted your cache and cookies recently? Every once in a while, I'll catch a site that doesn't let me do much until I do a delete. In fact, Google wouldn't let me attach files as attachments and I had to do a Firefox restart every. darn. time. They fixed that luckily. RE: Prius Kingdom, I think it's a clever idea, but it wasn't fully implemented. The host is funny but the floating info points about the vehicles could have some kind of animal print or ...something. My biggest beef is that I couldn't click on any info for the Prius C.
I think it is a 'work in progress' type thing, more of a 'catchy' eyegrabber. Probably a prepup for a new ad campaign as the current ones don't lean that way.