I noticed that starting with two fill-ups ago, I have been averaging about 2 mpg more (5%) than usual. It was coincidentally the same time that I began using RLI Bio-Plus to treat the fuel. I have noticed improved drivability but it may just be placebo effect. However, someone mentioned the possibility of a switch from a winter fuel blend to a summer blend. Does anyone know when that switch takes place? It would seem a bit early in the year for this. Thanks.
Which one ? As far as "weather" you're in one of the mildest climates in the country !! Support ? Check your temperatures. As for your petunia juice additive, a couple of mpg's in two fillups doesn't prove squat. Many factors could account for that. Hardly a meaningful test or conclusion. Using top tier gas instead of the el cheapo crap with the petunia juice would probably do the same.
The southern states receive winter blend fuel regardless of climate. His question was specific to when do the refineries change over from winter to summer blend - not about wearing short sleeve shirts versus a sweater.
Have you ever looked at a topo map of California? I can guarantee you it is very cold above 7,000ft. 14,000+ft. Is downright stupid in the winter. lol
Mike, here are a couple links you can check out to see which areas of Cali are required by Federal law to use RFG and which ones fall under state law and are under The supervision of CARB. http://www.epa.gov/otaq/fuels/gasolinefuels/rfg/areas.htm Clean Air Act Required Areas: California All counties implement a version of the California Reformulated Gasoline Program, not just those listed here as Clean Air Act-required areas. Standards differ from federal RFG requirements, and compliance periods vary by air basin. Please refer to the California Air Resources Board website for additional details:Â http://www.arb.ca.gov/fuels/fuels.htm El Dorado County (partial) 1 Fresno County 2 Kern County (partial) 2 Kings County 2 Los Angeles County Madera County 2 Merced County 2 Orange County Placer County (partial) 1 Riverside County (partial) Sacramento County 1 San Bernardino County (partial) San Diego County San Joaquin 2 Solano County (partial) 1 Stanislaus County Sutter County (partial) 1 Tulare County Ventura County Yolo County 1 1 Sacramento, CA area was reclassified from Serious to Severe ozone nonattainment effective June 1, 1995. RFG was required as of June 1, 1996. 2 San Joaquin Valley, CA area (excluding East Kern County) was reclassified as Severe ozone nonattainment effective December 10, 2001. RFG was required as of December 10, 2002. Here is the link to the CARB listings on PDF. http://www.arb.ca.gov/fuels/gasoline/082908CaRFG_regs.pdf
I'm VERY well aware of the topography of California. I'm there 6-8 times a year, north and south. I once was caught is a veritable blizzard in your part of CA in September once upon a time. That's not quite the case down around lovely San Francisco and south.
The coastal areas are indeed mild but the Sierra Nevada range is quite close. Mike regularly makes trips to Sacramento so I wonder if he gets different gas blends during his trip.
Could very well be. Different stations, different brands can all make a difference. All the more reason why just two fill-ups accompanied by all the many driving variables cannot substantiate any mileage difference to an additive.
Look at http://auto.howstuffworks.com/fuel-efficiency/fuel-consumption/summer-fuel1.htm Summer gas switch-over is April - June, winter gas switchover is September - October. I see a distinct rise in MPG when summer gas becomes available and a distinct drop when winter gas replaces summer gas.
...nice reference but just keep in mind seems a little dated talking about 2001 EPA comments (and MTBE which is no longer in there).