I've stopped riding below 50 degrees now. I've always wondered how they do it, too. I have a 3/4 and full face helmet, and the 3/4 makes my face cold in winter. I've actually taken to using the full face more, esp if I ride with someone else, because it makes it easier to hear and talk on our headsets we have. The windscreens do deflect a lot of air, but IMO, not enough to ride with that type of equipment when it's that cold outside.
I'd be less worried about your ears getting cold and more about surviving an accident wearing one of those novelty half helmets, or even a D.O.T approved one. At 13 years old, wearing a 3/4 helmet, my face just below my nose came in contact with the rear rain gutter of a station wagon after flying over the handlebars of my Yamaha 100, 160 stitches later my upper lip was reattached, from then on it was full face lids only for me, and as you can see...I got back on the horse and have been riding ever since, including 10 years of motocross racing.
I pretty sure Prius drivers that end up in the ER could be classified as organ donors as well, and I'm definitely sure the window sticker on My v didn't say 50mpg and death proof.
Going back to the OP, I also had this but don't anymore. Daniel would not have liked this because the factory spec Conti "trumpets" enhanced the in-line four which made it sound like a Ferrari. I'm sorry but I didn't think of it as noise but more like music. But I also didn't go riding aggressively or in the middle of the night and always cruised when in a residential neighborhood. I think its just common courtesy.
Riding in cold weather, 50 F or less is just brutal. Heated grips or something to completely block wind off hands is a must. Even bulky gloves still leave hands cold from wind chill. 3/4 or 1/2 helmet? Oh, never. It was full face helmet only for me.
Usually my hands are OK, but it's my legs that get freezing and then take half a day to feel warm again. It's a feeling that I don't particularly enjoy, and just not up to subjecting myself to it willingly now. I have liners that I wear under my winter gloves when I ride. The leather jacket keeps my torso toasty warm. I typically wear my full face helmet, but when it's to/from work then I'll pull out the 3/4 a little bit more. The full face also cuts the noise way down. I actually prefer it over the 3/4 helmet. Both of mine are the modular full face (I have 2 - one didn't have the opening at the ear which makes it my solo riding full one).
Yep, I drove (and hopefully will drive) all year round, only stopped when roads are iced up. Remember getting into a blizzard with snow blowing past sideways. But didn't dare to wipe the snow of the left of my visor (that got snowed in due to the left-to-right snow) as I didn't dare to let go of the handle bars... The asswipe cardriver behind me was only 5feet behind. Some people... I felt really tough and special driving my motorcycle in a blizzard. This lasted for about 3 minutes, then my 'bravoure':rockon: turned into fear... At that time I reached the highway, which was very drivable. No heated grips as of yet, but just saw an ad for fixed muffs on the handlebar in combination with heated grips. Supposedly you can keep driving with your (more flexible) summergloves with this.
R-P, a couple decades ago when I lived in Steenwijk I learned why it isn't a good idea to ride year round in The Netherlands. I made a turn onto a cobblestone road and that bike went everywhere but straight. After that morning, I parked that Guzzi every winter and only rode in the good weather.
Sorry I missed this thread as I don't typically venture to OT forums. Here's my current sweet ride. Talk about LOUD pipes, the factory "race" exhaust is insane! Please excuse my sh*t eatin' grin.
If i'm not mistaken Doug, that looks like a new Desmosedici RR...as street legal bikes go... that's pretty much as good as it gets...200hp and about the cost of 2.5 fully loaded Prius' Gorgeous ride !!!
I think your just a poser...not really yours, if it was you wouldn't be just cheezin it up in a static photo, you'd be out shredding that back tire. LOL...just playin man, can I ride it
I'd place a $5k bet right now that statistically, more cyclists die upon slight impact then prius drivers crashing at 80mph+ solely due to the safety devices alone..... No matter how you slice it (no pun intended), there really isnt much motorcycle accident related you can just get up off the ground and walk away from. Chances are unless you flipped a prius, you're walking away to tell about it! so yes, in conclusion.....motorcyclists (post-impact) become organ donors or very heavy paperweights!
Eh, some truth to that. I crashed at the track a few months ago doing 80mph in a 90 degree turn (front tire wasn't up to temp, should have ran tire warmers). Walked away without any injuries... CE gear and leathers ftw! The bike didn't fare so well, but it's fixed now
I got me a bone stock restored 1968 flh tour glide,ive had the bike since the early 70s, even though im disabled to the point i cant use the bike any more she is still my baby, been with me most of my life, But the time is coming close to having to sell her
OK, you busted me but it was fun for the short while it lasted. Yes, that is me with the stooopid grin as I had just finished riding that beast :rockon: but no....... (sigh) it isn't mine. It belongs to a friend and that was the night he and I went to pick it up. My current ride, as stated in my sig, is my '06 Speed Triple 1050 which is heavily customized. Not quite as sexy as the 'sedecci but a whole lot more affordable. The bike used for my avatar is very highly customized 96 VFR I did a few years back and still my crowning achievement. I even started a mini-trend in the VFR community of adapting CBR600 bodywork to the gravity challenged. <vbg>