I have a 2010 Prius without bluetooth. I use the AUX jack a lot for my music but can't for talking on the phone like I use to in my Jeep. When I'm on the phone through the aux any person I talk to hears their voice echo. I tried raising and lowering the speaker volume on my phone and on my radio- this just creates feedback. I called Apple- they said it's not a problem on their end, but the aux jack might not be compatible with the phone. They told me to call Toyota. Toyota said it's not on their end. Any ideas? If there was no ideas how to fix this, does anyone know if the $200 iPod/iPhone integration kit (cheaper than a ticket for talking on phone!) fix this- I assume this would work through my satellite button on the radio? HELP!!! Thanks everyone.
It turns out their hearing their own voice through my speakers on a second delay. Any ideas how to avoid this?
I recently installed a cheap yet highly effective BT solution in my wife's civic that works with both our iPhone 3gs and 4s. http://mobile.jensen.com/Bluetoothcarkits/?sku=BT390 Retail is something like $249 but online it can be found for much less (Amazon is $59 where I left a review). Ebay has a few for $49 shipped!!! and that's where I got mine. Easy to install (3 wires) and even easier to use. It can use the iPhone voice commands for true hands free operation PLUS stream audio from the phone (iPod, Pandora, internet radio, etc). Streaming is done via FM modulator and sounds great. We've found the phone sounds better using the BT390's included speaker. Lots of options here. It utilizes a full duplex microphone which greatly helps to cancel out echo issues. Calls from her in the civic to my Prius with factory BT sound great; almost as if she's on a land line. My guess is that's due to both ends having full duplex systems.