This is just the whackiest, now Obama is in the dog house with the enviro's Read more: Wait! WTH! :fear: Is that lady grabbing BO's nice person! MO is going to bring the OHammer down if'n she see's this! Just cause we owe them a few Trillion doesn't mean they get to play "Grab-nice person" with the President, or does it?
Please ladies. Just because two of you get a little frisky with Obama doesn't mean shark fin soup is OK.
Well if you're a animal rights person then no it's not ok in whatever case. If your a vegan then no because of health reasons, and we can say that about a lot of foods. My two cents, it's not okay because of the over harvest not just because it's shark fin. In that case then everybody should have a problem with our present ocean fisheries. IF'n your looking for a chance to spread some humor over those shocking pictures of our POTUS being abused, grouped and defiled or just plain picked as Evan pointed out then it's A-OK! :thumb: ound: p.s. However, I am somewhat suspicious of the face splitting smile on his face. :glare: One last observation, look at the last pic, is his nice person getting bigger, is she pinching it or is that his wallet? Enquiring minds would like to know?
Boy you sure can tell when you rub the followers the wrong way... sheezzz. Hey hidy that was the funniest post you made yet. lol
Just pointing out that intelligent people know why this was posted outside politics, when it should have been.
...which is a determination the moderators are repeatedly asked to provide. The behaviour reminds me of a toddler testing their parents to explore their limits. Is this political? How about this? Great idea. Maybe we should ask for one to be created, and we can all vote on the residents.
No it wasn't, there aren't many blind people here, it had very little to do with comic relief, except for the feeble minded ones, as it had to do with trying to get a political plug in.