I was on the 60 freeway eastbound at the 60/57 interchange today when out of nowhere, a rock flew onto my windshield and left an approimxately 1 inch wide crack right about the center console. I wasn't even following a big rig or anything, it came out of nowhere, just heard a large, cracking sound, and next thing i knew there was the crack. It's not directly in my driving line of sight but it is large enough and almost right on top of my MFD to be a distraction, not to mention an eye sore. Is there any reputable place in southern california i can go to fix the crack while not having to replace the whole windshield? I'm afraid the crack will expand if i don't take care of it. Thanks for any input!!
Insurance should cover it free (before they have to help cover the whole windshield), see who they recommend?
And if you have to (or want to) pay out-of-pocket, start with the Yellow Pages under "Automobile-Glass". When I lived down there a few years ago, there were plenty of those guys who travel to wherever your car is and use injection to seal the crack. If the crack's too big, won't work.
It depends on your deductable. I had a crack on my last car. It cost $275 to replace it, and since I had a $500 deductable I just paid for it myself.
My insurance carrier waives the deductible if the crack is repaired instead of having the windshield replaced.
Just curious, if my insurance pays for it, i have state farm, haven't called yet, would my premium rise? Its not like this is something that safe driving could've prevented.
My State Farm policy covers free repair or replacement. You may have it, or you may not. And I don't think a windshield claim raises your premium, but I could be wrong. It also may depend on where you live. Call your agent. He/she is like a good neighbor, you know.
Oddly, Jiffy Lube does that sort of glass repair. I took my other car there over the weekend, and saw them doing it. I asked the service guy, and he in fact verified they were, in fact, fixing a crack, and that the customer didn't even have to pay anything out of pocket as they would bill the ins. co. directly.
I think this depends on your state, it happened to me here in ohio I did not have to pay a deductible and my rates did not go up. The insurance company said they were required to do it under state law in this way (something about saftey and it is cheaper to fix a chip or crack than to replace the windshield). just my 2 cents
Same here in FL. Your insurance Co. is required to pay for a replacement/repair with no deductible regardless of your policy. And they can't raise your rates, etc. It is a real scam since nearly anyone can get a new windshield for "free". I quoted "free" because, of course, everyone pays for it in the end. In fact many glass companies telemarket aggressively for the business and offer free steaks and such to replace your windshield. I suppose our great legislators thought everyone should to have a safe, crack free windshield. Well everyone also needs/wants a house, car, food, vacations: I wish they would pay for that too ;-)!! Rick
Yes, FL does have that law. The glass replacement company came to my workplace to install a new windshield in my Tacoma. They said if I had it fixed with the sealer, it could possibly crack again in the same place so replacement was the best option. You are correct in that we all will pay for it some way or another, unfortunately. xbdude in FL
I have State Farm also and ask my agent about this very thing last year. She said broken glass will not count against you. If it's fixable State Farm pays, if it's a replacement you pay the deductable on the comprehensive. And mine was my fault, I did it with my lawnmower.