This thread title looked to me as thought it was going to be about plug-in ships, or plug-in vehicles capable of carrying ships.
I'm thinking of flying to Japan and boarding the ship that has my car, posing as one of the ship's crew members...
Per Dianne's post (, it looks like there are some PiPs on the New Century 2. says the ship is bound for "US BNC" (ETA 2/22/2012), which is Benicia, California. If that's the case, I guess that means there may be some Northern California bound PiPs on board? After a quick stop, it should then be headed for Long Beach, I suppose. It appears that the ship will only been in port for a day before departing for Long Beach (here's an example I found.. on Feb 5th, Andromeda Leader from Japan arrived at BNC and was due to depart the same day to Long Beach)
Here's the pretty picture version, showing the ship's on its way. Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions
I wonder how many hours till that one page gets crashed LOL! I think that is a wonderful helpful link for those who want to track their cars!!!
Great - So my car was built on the 9th - the day this ship left..which means I am probably going to be waiting for the next one.....anyone know how often they fill a ship and send it on its way?
Eminent Ace left Japan on 2/13, heading for Benicia, CA. If it follows the same path as New Century 2, then it would be heading for Long Beach afterwards. Its due to arrive in Benicia on 2/25. Ship details including destination information: EMINENT ACE - Vessel's Details and Current Position - 9293571 - 371012000 Last position received: Live Ships Map - AIS - Vessel Traffic and Positions Maybe its on that ship?
I have 28 more units slated to leave PORT on 2/14. Boat name isn't listed yet, but the estimated departure day is 2/14. Note: ESTIMATED.
Anyone know what ship is next going to Benicia? I think my car (built 2/7) may not have made this Eminent Ace ship, and just wondering if there's another boat scheduled after that... thanks!
For anyone (else) who was wondering how they load these car carrier ships.. here's a cool video. Specifically, I was thinking they must have lots and lots of drivers driving these cars on the ship. Ideally you'd want a constant stream of cars loading. This video illustrates just that.
From the looks of that first video, it's like a race track in there! It's kind of scary... I wonder how many cars are damaged while loading or unloading the ship?
Well I don't know exactly how many hours it's been, but as of 2/17/12 around 12p Pacific, the site is down. We did it! :rockon:
Yeah, I tried tracking the Pyxis Leader about an 1/2 an hour to an hour ago and it was down, or I crashed it, lol. :bolt:
Port of Balboa, Panama info: Port of New York: click on "more..." under expected arrivals to see list of ships and eta I think we'll see Pyxis Leader there before they show up on tracking maps.
Pyxis Leader's location was updated 5 hours ago. It's now off the coast of Baja Mexico. New Century 2 should be within reporting range very soon now, I hope.
Awesome, that's what I get for not checking this morning! lol It seems to be about 2800 miles away from the Panama Canal. Going 20mph would still put it at 6 days which is the 26th so the ETA of getting to balboa and the canal of February 27th seems right on schedule.
Port Views Toyohashi Los Angeles Benicia Portland Jacksonville Newark San Juan New Westminster Panama Canal Links
CETUS LEADER is in port at TOYOHASHI with an ETA at Benicia of 7 Mar 2012. NEW CENTURY 2 left Benicia - due in Long Beach 8 pm local tomorrow, 23 Feb. EMINENT ACE on its way from Japan to Benicia - ETA 8 am local Sat, 25 Feb. PYXIS LEADER on its way from Japan to Balboa, Panama - ETA Monday, 2012-02-27 17:00 UTC