I know that you are supposed to use synthetic oil for oil changes in the Prius but would this be good to use? http://dealnews.com/G-OIL-5-W-30-5-Quart-Synthetic-Motor-Oil-for-0-after-rebate-in-store/550373.html Would be a great deal for all prius owners if this is good oil!
1) It is not the 0-w20 that Toyota specifies for a Gen 3 Prius 2) It is not a brand I have ever heard of before in my life. If it was 0-w20 and I had a Gen 3, I might risk it.
In a word....NO ! This 5W30 "G" oil is far too thick with it's 3.5 HTHS and is a "heavy" 30 weight oil. Toyota's 0W20 synthetic oil is one of the very lightest 0W20 weight oils available with it's outstanding 216 VI, 8.54 cST 100C KV, and 37.38 40 C KV and is the best 0W20 synthetic oil to use in the Prius. Also, Toyota does NOT recommend a 5W30 for the 2010 and up Prius. They recommend 0w20 synthetic oil.
Thank you for the post. Sounds like they are making bio-lube from animal fats. That does not scare me, once hydrogenated, fats are converted to paraffin waxes, and we are back to hydrocarbons. If Walmart carries it as stated, usually Walmart carries good stuff in my experience. Also can check for user reviews. I personally would not switch from synthetic to use in my Prius. There is a level of hype on the Web Site, trying to convince us about useless parameters. We need to know how it works and protects. If it contains the correct additives, can we call it greener? If it does not contain the correct additives, can we call it good? PS: price check at Walmart other day Mobil-1 $26.48 5-qts
Why on Earth would you risk putting a no-name oil in your Prius? Oil is the life blood of your i/c engine. Never skimp there!!!
I just got my Prius a couple months ago and have not had to change the oil and know nothing about oil whatsoever. I saw this deal so figured id post and see what some of you thought. Wal Mart does sell this oil I just didnt know if it was the right kind or not.
Most of us use either Mobil 1 0W20 or Toyota 0W20, both good products. The Toyota branded oil is available at Toyota dealers, you can get Mobil 1 at Wal Mart or any auto parts store. Stick to those and you will be OK as far as oil is concerned.
Many choose to change the factory fill oil within the first 1-2000 miles to remove the usually high new engine materals such as aluminum, iron, copper and silicon, then replace the factory fill with fresh oil for the next OCI ( oil change interval ). The excellent Toyota 0W20 is available ( along with the cartridge oil filter ) at your local Toyota dealer and should be used by the dealer when you bring the car in for your oil change or peforming your own oil change. The owners manual is always the best place to start to learn about taking care of your new Prius. The oil fill cap also reminds you with "OW20" stamped clearly in view on it.