Has anyone noticed the latest Toyota tv commercials, showing all sorts of sale prices on their cars? They're advertising low prices on Prius, (~$22K, WITH $350 back), but in smaller script, it states it's for 2011 models. I wasn't aware of a backlog of 2011 Priuses. Funny though, the local dealers aren't featuring any Prius at all, with the exception of one dealer with a much smaller ad than his others for a 2012 @ $23,999. With gas prices steadily increasing, one would think dealers would be shouting they have Priuses in stock...but what do I know?
When I was buying there seemed to be enough 2011's still on the lot but no 2012's even there yet and they weren't really moving a lot on anything. They seem complacent about that part of it. Most of the 2011' they had were freshly in stock too and it was January. Most of the advertizements will start out at MSRP for a bone stock II and there may not even be one of those on the lot. I know I saw the local dealer advertize one of those $21K cars and I never ever saw the thing. The best I could do was about $1200 off on a III. There were incentives in other parts of the country but not here in the SE. I don't think the current trend in gas prices makes any dealer nervous about keeping a Prius setting there.
My dealer has had as many as 16 2011's on his lot for several months now with 8 or 10 showing in the pipeline. Looking today he has 11 remaining and 12 2012's. Normally they list the MSRP and the Invoice Price. Now they have added a new column and are listing the Sale Price for the 2011's only. All of the 2011's look like they are discounted about 10% below invoice.
One of the dealerships in my area has only 1 2011 listed in inventory, and 25 2012s (mainly model two and threes). But they will still sell you a 2011 because of inventory elsewhere in the country.
I saw Prius add on TV this evening for the first time. I bought a 2011 last Friday and both dealers where I shopped had 12 - 15 2011s with 4 or 5 2012 Vs and only one 2012 Liftback. With the prediction of $4.00 gas this summer the price may be $2K more this summer for a similar car.
Don't sweat it, between the coming release of the Prius C and the Pruis PiP, everybody who is seriously interested in a Prius is waiting for those two models to come out before they decide.
all these new models are probably reducing demand for basic prius. i hit submit reply and it goes to advanced. i hit reply again and get two posts.
Not as far as I am concerned. I put my order in for a 2012 Gen III because the v, PiP, and C aren't what I want. I don't need the extra space of the v, and didn't care for the lower fuel economy when compared to the other Prius models. And I am willing to wait the 10 weeks quoted to get a Model Five in Barcelona Red. PiP - Really? Only 15 miles EV range? Not worth the extra expense compared to the "basic" model. (Yes, I AM slamming the PiP ). I'll let that one mature to something more decent and then may consider. The C looks to be a cool little car with great fuel economy, but entry level appointments. I do agree with others who have mentioned wanting more options for the various trims. It would be nice to get all the Prius options available and then choose which model in which to have them installed.
Now, the 15 miles EV range is no good for me BUT for somebody in AZ I'd have thought the pre-cooling on the plug would be a big help since the A/C really hits the mileage.
I had not considered that, but now I see that as another reason NOT to get the PiP. The A/C is going to suck energy from the battery, so fuel economy is going to take a hit for trips longer than, say, 10 miles or so in the PiP. That wouldn't get me across town one way, and probably not on EV alone because I would haved sucked some of that whopping 15 mile range to cool the cabin. It will be interesting to see what people will be getting for EV range under actual use in harsher conditions (Phoenix in summer, Minot in winter).