Week five of enjoying my Prius V five and the weirdness hit this morning. XM was not working, hit the mode switch on steering wheel and I see that FM screen looks totally different (six big buttons, but no station displayed). Switch to AM and same button layout and no station display. I toggle back to source screen and now XM doesn't even show as an option anymore. Will see what dealer says, am going in tomorrow for splashguard and cargo net instalation.
You know you only get a 30 day trial to XM right? (It may last longer than 30 days sometimes) but eventually it shuts off and you have to subscribe to continue listening.
Edit: You are right, XM trial is 90 days. Stop by your dealer or call XM 1-866-635-2349 and they'll guide you in locating your ID # from the screen.
Dang, thought 30, oh well. Sometimes it may get activated early by the dealer. If it sat around a while that could account for lost time but I'd inquire nonetheless by calling.
Has yours expired and if so has it affected your FM display? I don't have a Prius v nor the newer radio yet (I will in my PiP once it arrives) so I do not know.
I did a quick forum search and couldn't find any similar occurrance, maybe a new glitch about the V! Let us know what the dealer tells you....bizarre since you already cycled the audio to reset it.
Mine hasn't expired yet, still a month to go. I'm just questioning why XM would have anything to do with FM. I rarely play the radio, so doubt I'll notice anything once xm does disappear, and it could be a while before I notice that FM no longer provided the labels but knowing in advance will prevent some anxious moments when I do notice.
Exactly the same thing has happened to me. My wife drives our week-old Prius v and she says that it happened this Tuesday. When I went out to look at it today I noticed that the "Satellite" option is gone, I have six big preset buttons, and the radio frequency is not displayed in either AM or FM. In addition I have no consumption "History" screen anymore, and both the "Vehicle" and "Audio" buttons are missing on the Setup screen. Argh! I thought about pulling the negative lead on the accessory battery to reboot the system, but I'm going to try to take it in to the dealer tomorrow to see what they say. (Other than that, the Prius v rocks. Even my wife gets 6.2 L/100km.)
I took my v to the dealership this morning and they said that the radio was reporting an internal error with codes B15C1 and B157E. They replaced the radio with a unit they pilfered from another v they had on the lot and everything is working again.
Glad to hear they fixed it and even took the radio from a car they had on the lot to get you on your way as a happy and satisfied customer. That's a good dealership IMO.
Nivonia, great that they found what was happening with yours. Sounds identical to my incident. I'll see if my dealer will rob a unit or order a new one. Aggravating that the service advisor gave me the "are you sure you had XM?" treatment.
Took the dealer four hours to confirm that radio needs to be replaced, which is now on order. Side note: when they went to install the splashguards, they discovered that the mounting hardware was missing from the kit. Arrrggggh. Another trip back to the the dealer in my future.
Finally got the radio replaced and the mudguards on. Other than waiting a week for the radio to come in, no issues with dealer. Back to being a happy Prius pilot.