2010 Package 4 with uprades needs help!! We had foglights and the remote start added, and the car is great... except for one thing. On occasion when you depress the brake the emergency flashers blink 7 times, then stop for a few seconds, then blink 7 times again. Happens at start and also during driving. After some time of this, it stops?/? This is unnerving when you can't indicate to other drivers what your intention is, dangerous also. Has been to dealer numerous times, but of course can't duplicate error so dealer is dumbfounded. Any help or suggestions?? thanks
When I initiate the remote start on my 2010 IV the flashers operate for a few seconds (I haven't counted how many times), then stop. This is the default operation, per the user guide. I would have your remote start installation checked.
Sounds like the diagnostic connector for the remote start is connected. This is how it flashes DTC's for the RES system, and yes you initiate the diagnostic check with the brake pedal. Pull the passenger kick panel off and see if a single pin connector is there, will have yellow wire with black stripe if memory serves and have a tag on it. It should be unhooked unless diagnosing the system.
Off-topic: If they can't fix the server-side issues, they should really enable self-deletion in the forum software so that we can each help to keep this place tidy.
I totally agree, the first post hung up on my computer so i checked the forum and it was not there.. hit submit again and the result was the second post. then tried to delete second post and when i thought i had it corrected it resulted in a third post... where is the delete button when u need it?
Wow - after 2 years of having this checked out several times, finally an actual possibility!! will check this right away. thanks so much - we really appreciate it. :cheer2: