I have a Canadian Luxury Package and if I'm not mistaken it comes with tire pressure sensors but this model does not have Tire Pressure Warning System application. When I press "Car" it only shows: Energy and History Is there a way to install "Tire Pressure Warning System application"
I thought that all 2007 and newer cars sold in the US had them, does that apply to my northern friends too?
No, tire pressure sensors are not compulsory by law in Canada so there are still a lot of cars that don't put them on. Though Prius V has tire pressure light on a dashboard but not Tire Pressure Application that display tire pressure on each wheel.
I am unclear what you mean by tire pressure application. My 2006 Prius has the warning light which displays when one or more of the tires is at a significant variance from the others. In recent years I have had a slow leak on one tire and the sensors work like a charm to tell me when one has dropped too low. I have not heard of a system that actually tells me how much pressure is in each tire. One of the benefits of the current system is that the variance warning is relative. It sems to measure variation between the pressures you choose, which in my case has always been somewhat higher than Toyota's recommendations.
The Dodge Charger that I traded in for my Prius V has a screen that would show the tire pressure in each tire.
Look in your Toyota Manual. Here is a scanned page from Canadian Prius Manual: Display Audio System Owner's Manual. Page: 89 I think Toyota wants us to pay for technology package 5K premium for basic sensor display. I'm 99% sure that computer reads the pressure from each tire but Toyota did not include software that would display this information on the screen.
Thanks for the information. I haven't received my Prius v yet but should be reciving it within two weeks. I have the full Touring and Technology package coming so I guess I will get this information.
The computer does read each tires pressure and temperature on a Gen 3 so your v computer probably has at least that capability. OTOH, I don't think the standard system can tell which position each wheel is in. It only knows which sensor ID number is sending each signal. In order to tell where the tire is, there would need to be enough antennas for the system to tell where the signal was coming from. That would cost more money to install so may be why the basic models don't show you the individual pressures. I would like to have a built in display that told me pressure from each sensor, I can figure out which wheel it's coming from. But, if you look at the number of threads started by people that can't figure out what the gas gauge is telling them I understand why Toyota doesn't show pressure for each individual sensor.