I wonder if the new software doesn't do thanks, or if Danny just has not turned on the feature yet. I don't care about the thanks count, but a Thanks button is a nice way to express thanks or agreement with a post when you have nothing to add, but just want to agree or say thanks. No big deal. Nice to see the site working again.
I am all for improving the speed of this place... and I am not aware of there being any specific conflicts with any particular feature of the software bundles it takes to keep this place up and running... I was just saying I did use that feature once it was here... and now it appears to be off the board... It might just be a switch was left off for the moment... it might be that there is an increased cost that I am unaware I am personally responsible for increasing whenever I lay a thank you out there... or, it may be another way to stiffle the non-Prius specific threads from being more noticable than those that choose to remain posting in a board that is only taking about their car... I don't know... But I did notice the Thanks are gone... and I didn't even know they were sick.
Apparently Danny turned off a bunch of switches, either to try to fix the problem or to try to find it. Thanks was one of those. I'll bet he turns it back on once the problem is solved. I had mistakenly thought this was the new software that had been mentioned. So, rest easy: the present lack of thanks is likely just temporary.
I'm afraid removing the Thanks button puts ammobob on a de facto miserable users. Seriously, I'd bet Danny is just trying to improve response time on PC.
I can see where the "thanks" are a good idea to help prevent the "thanks" posts but I'm OK with it gone.
Damn! Not having a [Thanks] button is frustrating. For me is was a humanizing element on this board... A quick way to show that I had read a post and appreciated what was said, a quick wave of recognition in passing, BZ for someone's efforts. I may be in the minority in not feeling that lightning like response time is paramount... but then I don't access PC from my cell phone. I feel that we are diminished as a commumnity by the loss.
...well I liked thankx, but due to my style, never got too many. Was doing better though. PS- Thanks!! for this thread because I was just wondering ...oops They're back????
I would like to give Thanks for reincluding the Thanks feature... I know the job Danny has is often Thankless... but I will give a hearty Thank You to the powers that be for putting the feature back in play here. Thanks for the Thanks. Bob Jr