Has Toyota finally put some soft-touch areas into the 2012 Prius dash ? I read even the Yaris-Habrid will have some and i know the Prius V has them ! Toyota prommised an upgrade,but have they ?
Here : http://www.carhubnews.com/?p=11058 On board, the sensorial quality of the Prius interior has been raised through the availability of a new, black interior, the addition of silver inserts to the air vents and centre console, a hybrid-blue push start button and the availability of new, high grade seat upholstery.
That's nothing more than a reference to the new two-tone interiors with SofTex. "Sensorial" quality as in to the eyes, not necessarily to feel.
Not so. There is a grain to the dash area. It is rough to the touch. That is sensorial. (I have one -- Blizzard Pearl 4 w. gray interior (we are still debating whether it is dark)). Sharol
Rough to the touch ? Well in that case nothing has changed ! Maybe at least its not so sensetive to scratches as the "old" dash ?
It's the "high-grade seat upholstery"... makes you wonder what they were using before on their seats.
People here have reported it's the same old dash and it's not going to magically become scratch resistant because you're hoping for it. I guarantee you you have Dark Gray. See this thread for codes linking Dark Gray and LB10 if that convinces you.