Pardon me if this is not the right place for this question, but... I'm getting my Prius today (just talked to the dealer who said the drivers have been on the road since 5 AM), and with it, the temporary plates. I would like to sell my current car privately, and transfer my vanity plates over to the Prius. Does anyone know what steps I would need to take to do this? I've never sold a car before...would I remove the plates from it before handing it over to the buyer, or what? Thanks much, Jared
I am in Ohio. Not sure if the procedures are the same, but simply sell your old car, and you take the plates off. Go to the DMV, and tell them you sold you old car, and would like your plates transfered to you Prius. That is what I am planning on doing as well. I have done it in the past many times. Best bet is call the DMV, or local registrar. Each state may be diffenent in their procedures.
I have just done this(Cal), but I had a problem. One of my old plates were :roll: stolen, So I had to order a duplicate plates. The were sent to my local AAA insurance company, and they had them two weeks ago. The ones for my Prius came yesterday and I went to AAA and did the transfer. I'm sure that if you have personnel plates It should be no problem. Check out the general photos and you'll see my two different color plates (not sure if this is legal or not! :roll:
Call your local DMV and ask them for the procedure. It will be different for each state. Here in ND you would simply remove the plates from your old car, and apply to the DMV to have them associated with your new car. The buyer of the old car has some limited amount of time to register the old car and get new plates for it. In the mean time she/he can legally drive it without plates.