the most intimidating climb I've been on was to Mt Evans. @14,130 1.5lanes wide (you have to top and get off to let oncoming traffic), way above tree line, no guardrails, rocks and crumbling road edge. Best of all altitude induced dizziness. I still remember the marmoset looking out of the emptiness in recently put pavement. But at least unlike Pikes peak it was paved
OMG that guy is an animal! the steepest grade I've biked on was 27% and it was extremely hard to keep front from popping up. It was paved with asphalt too, not the cobbles which can be slippery! Thing is that you cannot shift chain will pop off. And with clipless if you slip you gonna deposit your family jewels on top tube, fall and go tumbling down the hill. No happy endings; visit to ER guarantee.. thnx for sharing the pic
There's a lot of videos from the Dirty Dozen hill climb ride. I can climb 20% grades, going very slow, 3-4 mph. But this hill is almost twice as steep. I would stall out.
No, you got it wrong. That guy is going backward down the hill, which is why he has that look on his face. Tom
I have triples on my road bike (but strangely doubles on mnt bike) and with 32x27 you can practically climb trees. Now balancing could be tricky if you go too slow. I've heard about dirty dozen.. here is another ride from hell: QuadZilla and the Finger Lakes 350
This is the worst of the worst, but hills similar to this are all over the city area. Sometime you gotta stop, look at the hill, cross your fingers and hope to go up it. Then, with snow, ice, or even rain on the cobble stone, just forget about it.
Even loaded with a gross vehicle weight of3,850 lbs, certified on a Oregon Dept. of Transportation truck scale, our Prius has no problems climbing the steepest grades in San Francisco, the Interstates here in the west on I-5 and I 84, etc. I have been suprised passing several cars that appeared to have difficulty climbing some of those steep intersate grades. I usually crest with the speed limit, 65 mph or 70 mph. I can not for see any problem with the Prius C has it weighs 500 lbs less than its big brother... al
One of those challenging times happened Saturday, when black ice made the long steep winding downhill portion of Cabbage Hill worse than its winter usual: Black ice causes 20-car pileup on Oregon interstate near Deadman's Pass; 9 people injured | KOMO