This will probably turn out to be a dumb question, in my brief search I haven't been able to find out what goes in the place of the 2 square plugs in my 2012 v Three's front bumper. I see a fog light kit coming soon for the v, looks like these will mount in the lower grill, so just wondering what these bumper plugs are for.
I believe they are the alternative towing Eyebolt locations. You are suppose to pop those and insert towing eyebolts if your car cannot be towed by proper means.
Hi again, TruSound, In this pop quiz you just sprung on us, did you just throw in a trick question to see if anyone would catch it? In your title of this thread you say your (Prius)v has "Three Front Bumper Square Plugs ?", but then in the text of your post, you only mention "2 square plugs" in your "2012 v Three's front bumper". Yeah, it's just me, Ken, busting your stones again (like in your for sale post for your tires & wheels) about leaving a dash, comma, or more space after the word "Three" to make the title less confusing. Please take my comment in jest & I will promise to try to not be tempted to tease you again in the future. What a dull, boring world this would be if we couldn't have fun with each other. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
On our Prius v5 there are actually 4 rectangular hole's and caps. 2 of course are for alternative towing. Other 2 are near the headlights. On the driver side lower left there is a button that looked like a headlight symbol and lines like water spritzing. At the dealership delivery .. the salesrep and I were discussing the button's and dials functions. I ask what this button did.? He did not know so.. I pushed it... and a spray of water /soap burst across the engine hood... similar to the windshield washers only lower near the front bumper. I got out and watched while he pushed the button... and to my surprise.. these two button extend out about 2" and water sprayed out and UP across the car hood. We ALL had a good laugh.. as the salesrep and helper paper toweled off the excess water.
Man...tough croud here, you pocket protector engineer Prius dude's pick up every little thing...Hi Ken...what's up buddy, I just like to put the word three in pretty much any sentence at random. I'm returning my iPhone three, I mean four, it's suppose to fix these grammatical errors automatically, don't need that feature now, you geeks will do it for me. JUST PLAYING YOU GUYS...
Hi again, TruSound, This is what I like to hear. Both you & Chazz8 have a great sense of humor, so I got 2 morning chuckles from you guys today. Thanks!!! And 360texas, I'm going to have to take a closer at a "v" (especially a "v5" if I can find one) to get a look at those (headlight?) washers. Thanks for getting the correct count on those bumper plugs & educating us on their functions. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)