New owner since a week. Short question: When I´d been driving about seven minutes I stopped at a parkingplace, pressed the P button and saw that the fuelconsumption went to 99,9 l/100 km. When I´m driving there is no problem, only when I stop the car and the motor is not warm yet. After another five minutes driving the 99,9 don´t appare when I stop. Any ideas? From cold Sweden.
Your L/100km is based in the amount of fuel being burned per second, and the meters travelled per second. The maximum figure that can be displayed is 99.9, at this stage your fuel consumption is actually infinite/per 100km because speed is 0. The engine runs when stopped for a number of reasons, the most common being: a) to generate heat for heating the cabin b) to keep the catalytic converter hot enough to minimize emissions, and c) to generate electricity to keep the battery in the correct range of charge. In cold climates, the engine will run more than in temperate climates. Happy Prius-ing!!
in my opinion 99.9 is a big fat lie, if the engine is still running we are getting much worse than that and if the engine is off while coasting you are getting much much much better than 99.9. I think toyota was just lazy and decided to put 99.9 on the screen whenever you are not pushing the gas pedal, they probably figure it was high enough to make the customers happy but low enough to not endure a lot of scrutiny from the U.S. or European governments. But don't sweat it, just know that the Prius is probably the most economical car in the world for city driving and one of the most economical cars in the world for highway driving. (or motorway or whatever you call them in Europe) That's assuming your name isn't Jeremy Clarkson.
It doesn't display 99.9 when moving, only when stopped. Though it does take a second or so to update when you start moving. I've seen 40 or so when accelerating hard. Oh, and if you want to know how bad the fuel economy can get, try short trips in winter mixed with sitting for four hours and using the car as a heater. Currently Pearl is indicating 9.5 l/100 km! But I know why and it's ok because that kind of use WILL cause the high numbers to appear. Reason for sitting for four hours was providing support for the "Hypertherimic half marathon". If I had been running I would have been warm. Sitting for four hours I wanted heat!