I am, but the cold climate has slowed the aging process. Your mom's version of the expression is the same one that I normally use. Today's blizzard prompted me to improvise. Tom
At 5:00 a.m. Pacific Time the site is lightning fast right now. There should be a knock-on-wood emoticon.
I tried to post yesterday and when I clicked on post quick reply I got a message saying " "could not connect to PC" only pressed once, when I finally managed to log back on I had a triple post.
i'm in a hotel in nyc right now and it's been pretty good last night and this morning, not great, not horrible.
Wow. It's been SUPER slow for about a week now. I just found this thread. I actually stopped coming to PC for a few days because it always timed out and I couldn't get on the site. Just came back this morning and can't even get the page to load. Just tried posting this "quick reply" and it timed out. Going to try again now. Still...so...slow...
I like PriusChat. I post here more than most, but this slowdown is killing me. I find myself visiting less and less, as it's just not worth the time and aggravation. Perhaps someone (one of the mods?) can send me a wakeup call when PC returns to working order. Thanks, Tom
If we have to deal with it while trying to move posts and stuff you have to as well Tom! I agree though Tom, especially from a Mods standpoint, it can become frustrating at times.
Re: PriusChat is unusually slow for me Slowness is back as of 2/11/12 8 pm Pacific. This page even timed out when trying to load. And now, it's really fast... go figure.
Re: PriusChat is unusually slow for me Very slow for me too: off-and-on over the last week. Often I'll cut-and-paste my thread response to Windows clipboard for insurance before clicking reply, for insurance. Also, getting in lots of FreeCell while waiting for pages to load
Re: PriusChat is unusually slow for me While waiting one can always catch up on Dinosaur Comics: Dinosaur Comics - February 1st, 2003 - awesome fun times!
I came back to see if it's doing any better. The response time remains spotty. Occasionally a page will load very quickly, but mostly PC is sluggish, sometimes inoperable. It looks like PriusChat is collapsing under the weight of its own success. Tom
I am now getting error messages saying do not post less than 30 seconds between posts wait 9 seconds then post I do not repost but still get duplicate posts. Have given up trying to post because by the time my post appears the discussion has moved on.
It's intermittently very slow again for me and I got another dupe post warning even though I wasn't posting 2x. At other times, within the same hour, it will be very snappy. Danny: Does this forum software compile any sort of statistics as to how long it takes for pages to display and how long it takes for searches and posts? If so, perhaps you can graph them and try to correlate them w/other things going on here (e.g. certain # of users, certain types of activities, etc.) I really wonder if search is killing this board or if it was something goofy like some Facebook add on to the forum software (?) that caused a previous bout of slowness...
I use Tapatalk here. I notice that it's default view is all of the messages I've participated in. I wonder if all of those custom view generations by too many Tapatalk users are killing your server.
Danny says that he has the hardware but is struggling with the software. Anyone with skills in Nginx, PHP and/or MySQL should contact him immediately. If you know someone with those skills, contact him immediately. The sooner we get the software running on the new servers the sooner this thread will die out.
Did he wire the servers in series or parallel? I'll stop posting for awhile. That should speed things up.
I'm afraid I have to agree. It is so bad now that I don't bother to read many posts. What a shame. It used to be a great site when it worked! Tom G.