I have a brand new 2010 Prius with 258 miles. In those first miles, the skid indicator light came on at least four times while driving and not braking. These were quite mystifying as there was no hill, no oil slick, no plastic divider or any other slippery situations that would cause one wheel to spin faster than another. If anyone understands what might cause the skid indicator light to go on, please let me know.
If the skid indicator is coming on and you are not braking (or sliding), I would take it in for service.
Mine does this at a dead stop sometimes, but it mostly seems to happen in one particular spot in a parking lot gate. There's not hump or raised pavement or anything. Talked to my sales guy and he said a few other Toyota models have this issue as well.
If it blinks without beeping, then it's TRAC that's activating. With the older models, a wet manhole cover or train track will activate TRAC. It just blinks for a second or two. It's usually a problem if it's lit solidly.
In my '08 Highlander Hybrid I could make the light come on while sitting at a stop light, by just moving side to side in my seat, and causing the HiHy to rock. If it's rockin', don't bother knockin'.
Please help! I hopped a curb on left front wheel, car was realigned, but still the skid light and sound come on intermitantly above 40. Occasionally the car tries to self-correct itself. Toyota technician with laptop, while this occurs said "all sensors are acting perfectly. Your car is in skid" (while driving at 55 on a highway). They have no idea what is going wrong. They also looked mechanically at all sensors and again said they have no idea what is wrong. Suggestions on what to do?
I read the manual. Hill assist isn't what's happening here for me. My 2011 Gen III with 2069 miles is doing this too. No hills, no slick roads, but the TRAC (slip) and the ABS! indicators both turn on. When I get home and restart later, all seems fine. If it does it again, I'm going to call the dealer (Scott Clark) and get it looked at. Any other ideas?
My 2011 has the same problem at start up including in the garage. Shut down wait a few seconds restart then fine. While at the dealership for 15 thousand maintance they checked for codes none found. They said if it happens again bring it back has not happened again.