I have an '05 Prius w/ the nav package (which I love). After following the instructions posted elsewhere on this site, I have paired the phone and the car. With the exception of the phone book transfer, which is not a big deal, it has been working flawlessly. The only problem I'm having is if another call comes in while I'm on the phone, both calls are lost. I could disable call waiting each time, at least w/ outgoing calls. But I would prefer a more permanent solution. Any ideas?
Do you have the most recent firmware update installed on your phone? That has solved this particular problem for most others who had it. Treo 650 Updater 1.04 (for Verizon Wireless)
It sounds like either Verizon didn't fix this yet or it failed to install properly. I'm running Sprint (also CDMA) with no problems. Nate