We have just got a 2 year old Gen 3 Prius. And previously owned a Gen 2 car. In both cars, a sharp 'electric' or 'electrolyte' smell is noticed, the type that we get from portable AA or AAA batteries, particularly when they leak sometimes. It reminds me of a chemistry lab a little. I previously thought this was from the hybrid battery, but reading around, it doesn't seem so. The NiMH battery that is used seems quite smell free. What I suspect it is, after reading around, is sulphuric acid smell from the normal 12V car battery in the boot (the small battery that all cars have). It seems that other people have noticed this, but may I ask again? The toyota prius is as close to perfection as a car may get, apart from this issue. I enjoy the fact it has a very soft and comfortable suspension, is so quiet, so cheap to run, and very light and easy to feel one's way around - in essence, a 'typical' toyota, and not that typical of other car manufacturers that produce more 'racer' cars, with harder suspension. However, this issue is crucial. It is not wise to let myself inhale sulphuric acid gas, if it is the case. Has anyone tried to resolve this issue? I am surprised that toyota did not think this totally through. Having the battery in the boot works with other cars, as the boot is usually cut off from the rest of the car; not the case with the prius. Is it like this with the 2012 prius too? Do you think using another 12V battery may work - say, something like lithium ion? Also, has anyone written to toyota about this? It would be very interesting to find a way to measure the air's pH inside the car, to confirm if it is sulphur or a sulphuric acid gas.
There must be something wrong with the cars as mine has never smelt of anything other than new car. And before you ask I have a super sensitive sense of smell. I also believe the 12v is of the sealed variety. Oh, and none of the thousands of passengers I've taken have ever reported any weird smells. Anyone with scientific experience want to offer their comments? p.s. Just thought of a question - what mileages are you buying these vehicles at and who was the previous owner? Just wondering if the cabin filter has been replaced or is clogged full of crud causing weird whiffs.
Go in the back of the car and look in the trunk at the battery compartment, +12, and check to see if the vent tube is attached. It's a little plastic tube that comes out of the side of the battery and vents the chemical oder a battery produces to the outside world. If it is missing, all it is a 90º plastic drip tube elbow and 1/8" tubing that routes through the floor!
If it's both cars and all the Prius you've sat in, you could simply be hypersensitive to such smell from past experiences. Many do not know what batteries or chemistry labs smell like.
yes, well i have only sat in two so far. But I have owned and driven many other cars and have not smelt this smell before. I know what new car smells like, new plastics, leather, burning rubber etc. If the smell is particular to the prius, then i would be curious first to identify what it is. If it is sulphuric acid gas, as i suspect, then this cannot be a good thing. Hopefully, if someone can tell me where the vent is exactly on the battery, I can go from there thanks
look at your first photo, left side of the battery, the red cover is the Positive terminal, then you see the little strap on top of the battery just above the tag, on that tag you can read the word danger pointing to the left, there is a little black stub coming out of the battery, that is the vent tube 90 elbow , it points down and attached to it is either a black, or clear piece of 1/8" plastic tubing. It should be poking through the floor, also make sure the tube is not plugged!
can't see anything without presumably unscrewing the battery fasteners and lifting it up? not that experience in cars, so... may just take it to toyota and ask them. though i do wonder if i'll be taken seriously. many thanks
There are no fasteners to undo. You need to take the fold out floor cover out, then the big plastic boot tray and then the cover for the battery compartment will come off easily and you can then check whether your vent is loose. Simples.
so.. it looks like the vent tube is indeed attached. i tried to pull it off to see if it would, but it would not (although it would come out slightly), and did not want to apply too much force. so i guess the only next step is to take it to toyota and see what they say..
Cool. Glad you managed to get in the battery compartment. Maybe get them to check for blockages? Maybe they'll run some air through the pipe? Did you ever check the cabin filter? It can make a stench if it hasn't been changed correctly. Also, you sure the smell isn't dirty a/c? Have you tried running some a/c antimould stuff? What mileage is the car at and what's the service situation? Was it Toyota serviced?
When do you notice this smell? Is it when you get in the car, or when you start it and it warms up, or when? I have noticed an electrical smell when I use the heater heavily. I believe this is from a coil of wire used to enhance the heaters ability. We have the same smell in our 2011 Corolla for the same reason.
i notice the smell as soon as in the car, and i believe it gets stronger w the engine running. don't think it's mould as the smell is much sharper. someone i know confirmed that it was what our old prius smelt of too
As Grumpy Cabbie mentioned, the greatest source of smells is probably the cabin air filter in the glove compartment in my car. You can try to google that topic, and you will find there are sprays and things to clean out the vents. Presumably microbes can get going and they can do all sorts of trace chemistry and of course the nose can pick up some things at very low levels. You can also try masking perfumes and baking soda etc to pick up odors. I like to keep the windows open to air out. Sometime my wife puts stuff like apple cores in the litter bag and I assume this is what feeds the microbes inside air filter. Of course a new air filter I was assuming this is first step. Not to mention the mouse problem, they get into the air filters.